Page 10 - DIVA_1_2009
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We   spent   a    lot   of  tiine   in  Yes,   the  Iranian   Red   Crescent
                                                                meetings,   that's   tiue,   but   there  society   is  very   active   and   they
                                                                is  no  other   way   to  coininui'ii-  have   branches   all   over   the
                                                                cate.   One-to-one     meetings:  countty.   They   have   very   well
                                                                the    civil    arithorities,     the  developed   standard   operating
                                                                tnilitary,   the  UN   agencies,   etc.  procedrires;   they   know   what
                                                                -all    of   them.   I  also  used   to  to  do  because   the  coru'ihy   is
                                                                have   a   weeUy   tea  with   local  very    vulnerable    to   nattiral
        r                                                       'notables'   as  they   were   called.  place   in  Iran   quite   often,   and
                                                                                         disasters.   Earthquakes
                                                                I  had   prit   together   a  group   of
                                                                aborit    ten   people,   foririer  it  depends   on  the  scale.  The
                                                                President    of   the   Pakistani  one  that  took   place   in  Batn
                                                                Adtninistered     Kashinir,  was   probably   on  the  extreme
                                                                businessmen,     a   professor  side:   more   than   25,000  people
                                                                frotn   the  riniversity,    a  lawyer,  were   killed   and  aborit  200,000
                coming    from   all   over   the               etc.,  who   rised   to  come   to  my  were   affected   in  one  way   or
                                        day   25  ...  So  it  is  iinpossible
                world.    Wasn't     there    a                 tent   once   a week  and  have  tea,  another.   It  was  huge,   knit  very
                                        to   say  whether   an  operation
                kind   of   chaos?                              and   discuss   varioris   issues   for  localized.   It  affected   the  city
                                        has   been   a success   or  not.

                                        100%   success   -  never!  two   horu's.  I  listened   to  them  of   Bam   and  the  sru'rounding
                I  do  not   think   that   there   will        and  told   them   what   we  wcre  villages    ,    because   the   epi-
                ever    be    benchmarks     to                 ai+ning   to  do.  This   is  a  riseful  centre   was  very   shallow   and
                                        Yori  tnay   say that  an operation
                tneasure    the    success    of                way   to  understand   what   the  just   below   the  market   place.
                                        is  successful   if  you   liave   veiy
                coordinating    an   operation.                           thinks   aborit   yori.
                                        good   co-ordination    among  poprilation
                For   iiistance,   if   yori   say  that        The   population    was   in  shock!  Yori    have    to    rmderstand
                                        UN   agencies    and   with    the
                assistance   reached   eveiybody,               They    were    not    rised    to  something!   There   rised   to  be
                                        governunent,    the    Red   Cross
                tis    is    impossible.    It   corild         foreigners,   and   all  of  a  sudden  about    seven   Red   Crescent
                                        and  the  NGOs.   In  this   respect,
                never   happen.                                 there  were  white    cars   with  workers   living   in  Bam.   Three
                                        I  think   it  worked   qriite   well.
                                        We    knew    that    the  UN   flags   eveiywhere.  or  fotir   of  them   were  lcilled   by
                I  will  give   yori  an  example.                                       the   earthqriake,    and   one   of
                                        Intet'national     Coininittee    of
                One   day    I    was    in                     For   ix'istance,  after   the  earth-  those   who   srirvived   lost   forty
                                        the  Red  Cross   was  cover'ng
                Muzaffarabad     and    some  certain   parts   of  the  Pakistan   -  qriake   in  Iran  in  December  of  his   relatives   thatveiynight.
                senior   officials   were   ari'iving.          2003,    the   govei'nor    of  the  How   can  yori   expect   tis   per-
                                        Adyninistered    Kashinir-and
                Since   I  was  the  senior   {JN               province   told   me  that  one  of  son   beiiig   able   to  do  anyihing
                                        that  they   were   deliveffig    the
                staff  there,  I  had  to  receive              the  biggest   challenges   for  Mn  for   the  next   month?
                                        full   package  -food,     watei',
                them.   As    these    persons                  was   how    to    deal   with    the
                                        tents,  shelters,   etc.-every-
                arrived   at  the  helipad,   I  saw                        becarise   there  Sitnilar   things    happened    in
                                        thing!   So  the   {JN   did   not  need  intemationals,
                two  helicopters   coming   in  -               were    htmdreds     of    them  Pakistan.   In  Pakistan    there
                                        to  go  there,   which   was  very
                one   frotn   the  Red   Cross   and                         doing    their
                                        good.                   nug     around           was   no  epicentre,   it was   along
                the  other   from   the  Pakistani              business.   At   some   tiine   there  the  farilt   line,  so   eveiybody
                Anned  Forces.    I   asked  the                were   more   than   thirty   search  who   lived   near   the  fault   line
                                        We   had  an  enoi'inous   munber
                visitors    to    remain   on   the             attd   rescue   teams.   There   were  suffered.   The   Cief    Secretary
                                        of  meetings   with    local    and
                heliport   and   watch.    I    told                               and   inMrizaffarabad,    who  was  the
                                        international     NGOs.   They    Inure   Than   liOOo   searc"
                them:   "Yori   will   never   forget                 WorkerS   'ere  at    a  senior   civilian   adininistrator,
                                        told   us  "we   are  doing   this   and    resclle
                what   yori   are   going   to   see
                                        that,   we   are  here",   etc.  certain   point.   Tbis   means   that  was  living  in is   office becaril
                now."   The   staff  started   to  take         most   of  thein  had  very,   highly  se  he  had   lost   his  house   iii   the
                injured   people   orit   of   the                         eqriipment    and  earthquake.   His   office   used   to
                                        We    also    had   veiy   good  specialized
                helicopters.   Tbree   weeks   had              dogs!   It  is  a   big  challenge.  have   this   small   back   room
                                        relations   with   UN   agencies.
                passed   since  the  eaithqriake,               The   earthquake   happened   in  a  where    he    slept.   His   fainily
                                        For  this  you   have  to  invest
                and  people   were   still   silently
                                        yorir   tiine   and  effort,   to  show  remote   province,   so  the  locals  had  been  sent  away   to   the
                dying   at    home-becarise                     probably   had  not  seen  many  place   where   he   came  from.
                                        understanding     to    their
                there   were   no  roads,   and   the-          foreigners    before.   In   Bam,  There   he  was,  operating   out
                                        respective   mandates,    and  to
                refore   no   access  to  medical               there   is    this    beautiful,  of   a  building    that   had  cracks
                                        make   it  lmown   that  yori   are
                assistance!     These    people                 absohitely    magnificent     fort,  over    it    and   that   could
                                        not   hying   to  direct   them.   On            all
                could not   believe   it!  It  was   29         thousands    of  years   old,   so  collapse   at  any   moment.
                                        behalf   of   these   {TN  agencies,
                October-exactly    three   weeks                foreigners   come   there,   but  not
                                        we   negotiated   varioris   aspects
                after   tlie   earthqriake-and                  in  hrige   nunbers.           of400   civilian   staff  of
                                        of  the   operations    with    the              Almost
                sotne  of   the  injrired   had  still                                   the   Pakistani   Administered
                                        local    civil    and    military
                not   seen  doctors.                                                             were   living   in  tents.

                                        authorities    and   the   police,  Q: Somebody   said  that  Kashmir
                                        who   were   in  charge   of  securi-  the  Iranian   Red  Crescent  How   they   would   be  expected
                These   injrired   people   were   on           Society   had  done  a  tre-  to   administer    the  province
                                        ty.    The   police   were   vei'y
                stretchers.   And   yet,   we   do  not
                                        concerned   aborit   orir  secririty  mendous   job  during   the  while   living   in  tents  them-
                lcnow    how    many   of  them                 earthquake   in  Bam.    selves?   Onehas   to  show  some
                                        as  we  were   just   living   in  this
                passed   away   on  day   3,  day   5,                                               of   the  turmoil
                                        camp    with    very    little                   understanding
                   8  1  2009   Diva

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