Page 6 - DIVA_1_2009
P. 6
Q: It's a common concerned about
feeling that Norway peace. Why is the
gives a great deal peace issue so impor-
without getting very tant to Norwegians?
much in return. What is
70ur opinion? Although the corintry is
small, we know that war
I think the return is vety can be very damaging. The
r good. In comparison with Second World War marked
the tremendous needs, the a whole generation of
amounts are small. What we Norwegians and it
get back is greater inter- influenced the way people
national ii'ifluence and we think about the world. You
are also contributing to a see war is niining people,
safer world for ourselves, destroying economic life
our children arid our grand- and hampering develop-
children: less war, less envt- ment-it's a very damagiz'ig
rorunental damage and experience. As a general
fewer refugees. These rule, wars last longer and
arguinents are, of course, are more devastating than
yei'y relevant to our own those who start them tend
security-but they also to believe.
demonstrate solidarity with
the rest of the world and for Q: Diva is a magazine
the poorest among the poor. for the international
community in Geneva.
Q: There are many Do you have a
countries that have message for this
enormous fishing community';'
resources, but do not
have any expertise in What I would like to say ts
managing these that they should keep on
resources. Can they working hard, because
benefit from Norwegian Geneva is an extremely
I think the most i+'nportant
assistance? important forum for a lot of
aspect of this report is the people on peace and
fact that it is not based upon
They have either to contact development issues under-
assistance, but on other the local embassy, Norad or takenby the UitedNations
aspects that would me. We have received quite and other agencies. They
contribute to the develop-
a lot of requests from West should never abandon their
ment of a countiy, such as:
African countries about idealism. They might be
peace-a fundamental protecting their fishing negotiating many long and
issue; the building of states;
resources. In many areas difficult texts, but they
investments in economic you fuid huge fishing boats should never forget the
activity and trade; putting a
from EU countries and other reason why they entered
stop to drug traffickjng and paits of the world that just into this business, namely
the whitewashiixg of t'noney
vacuuin up all the fish in the to keep on fighting to make
from comipt regi+nes; and
sea. That's a real scandal! tbis world a better one for
all the other aspects that The countries in question everybody.
influence a countt'y's are so poor that they do not
development. And we want
have the resources for a
to see how assistance and
coast-guard service in order
development aid can help
to protect their own
make this right. Of course, tei'ritorial interests. These
development aid is are very difficult issues, but
iinportant, but on its own tt
we are ready to look into
cannot do anythiiig to fight
what we can do.
Q: Norway is a small
country that is very
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