Page 3 - DIVA_1_2009
P. 3

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            "Diva   tntevnational

               3   Nomegian    development    aid  policy
                   Interview    with   Erik   Solheim,    Nomegian    Minister    of
                   the   Environment    and   International    Development
               6   Geneva   is  the   Humanitarian    Capitl    of  the   World!
                   Interview    with   Rashid   Khalikov,
                   Director    of   OCHA,   New   York
               10    Interview     with   His   Exc.   Mr.Valery    Loshchinin,
                   Ambassador,    Permanent    Representative    of  the
                   Russian   Federation   to  the   ON  Office
               12    L'environnement    : Un  d6fi   pour   tous   les  pays

                   Un  souci   de  tout   le  monde   par   Franciscos    Verros,
                   Ambassadeur,    Mission   permanente    de  la  Grace

            Energy    and.   enviranment
               15    More   water,   less   energy.   New   technology    for
                   transforming    salt   water   into   fresh   water
                   Interview    with   Ragnar   Lyng,   Director    Aqualyng
               16    Sustainable    Energy
                   Interview    with   Frederic    Romig,   Director    Sustainable
                   Energy   Division,    Economic    Commission    for   Europe
               20    0il   and   gas   production    increasingly    in  the   hands   of
                   developing    countries,    By   Torbj6rn   Fredriksson,
               22    Energy   Perspectives    for   Europe:   the   Ukrainian
               24    Solar   Aid   -  a  NGO   not   like   the   others
                   Interview    with   John   Keane,   Head   of   Programmes,
               25    A  changing    global   agenda:   Climate   Change   and    '!14      q
                   Trade:   What   about   Development?By    Mariarosaria
                   lorio',   International    Policy   Analyst
               26    Les   probl6mes    actuels   r6sultent    de  la  malhonn6tete
                   des   institutions    financiires    combin6e    avec
                   l'incomp6tence    des   politiques.    Rencontre    avec   le  Prix
                   Nobel   d'6conomie    Joseph   Stiglitz   par  Andrea   Varadi
               27    CRtSE   NIONDIALE    ET  AFRIQUEpar
                   Jean-Martin    TCHAPTCHET

            Geneva    International
               29    The   mystery    of   memory!    Interview    with   Jean   Ziegler,
                   former    United   Nations   Special   Rapporteur    on  the
                   Right   to  Food,   Member   of   the   UN  Human   Rights
                   Council's    Advisory    Committee,    and   author   of   the
                   new   bestselling    book  "La   Haine   de  l'Occident"    ("The
                   Hatred   of   the   West"),   Paris,   2008
               32    M6moire    bless6e   Alg6rie,   1957   Compte   rendu   par
                   Jean-Margin    Tchaptchet,    Auteur'    et   conseiller    en
                   cooperation    internationale
               33    desArtsetdesHoinmes
               34    Cycling    around    Europe    promoting    Ethiopia
               36    THE   SINGING   NEIGHBORHOOD    Interview    with
                   Bystein    Fevang,   musician,    singer,   conductor    and
                   man   of   culture
               38    Le  Palais   id6al   du  Facteur   Cheval
               40    Venise    par   Jean   Michel   Wissmer
               42    Voyage   au  coeur   de  la  Suisse   par   Angelica    Roget
               44    Ita's   world
               45    Le  coin   de  l'6ducation
               46    Hayward   Beywood    Column
                                                                                                 12009   Diva  1
               48    Ambassadress    -  Financial    meltdown
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