Page 17 - DIVA_2_2023
P. 17

international                                           international

               Some  aspects  of  the  new  constitution  are
               considered major progress, such as protections
               for  people  from  eviction  and  wanton  home
               demolition, provisions barring discrimination
               against  women  in  the  workplace  owing  to
               pregnancy, and enshrining the right to remain
               silent for those accused of crimes.

               We were in Tashkent during the referendum,
               visiting voting stations. In keeping with Uzbek
               usage, the entire referendum process was well
               prepared. The voting stations were mainly in
               schools and universities, and one noteworthy
               aspect was that they were not only very well
               organized  but  also  filled  with  enthusiastic
               voters.                                President of Uzbekistan
                                                      Shavakat mirzivoyev
               According  to  Uzbekistan’s  Central  Election
 uzbek         Commission  (CEC),  90.21  percent  of  those   re-elected and took an oath during the
               who voted in Sunday’s referendum approved
 population participated in the   the new constitution. Turnout, the CEC said,   solemn Ceremony of the Inauguration

 country’s first   exceeded  84  percent,  showing  clearly  the   After  the  country’s  first  constitutional  refer-
               population’s commitment to the amendments
 Constitution   to the constitution.                  endum on 30 April, comprising major consti-
                                                      tutional amendments, the Uzbek population
 Referendum                                           headed again to the voting stations on Sunday
                                                      9 July.

 On  30  April  2023,  the  Uzbek  population   An initial draft constitution was published   Throughout the whole of last year, the popu-
 participated in the country’s first constitutional   in  June  2022,  which  was  followed  by   lation  of  Uzbekistan  had  been  consulted  on
 referendum  since  the  country  gained  its   a  public  consultation  period.  Various   how  they  would  like  their  country  to  be  in
 independence in 1991.  parliamentary  committees,  overseen  by   the years to come.  The process was called the
 the  Constitutional  Reform  Commission,             NEW UZBEKISTAN. The amendments were
 The  Constitution  was  originally  ratified  in   subsequently  reviewed  citizens’  feedback   accepted in the referendum with over 90% in
 1992,  one  year  after  the  country  became   before  making  changes.  It  was  in  March   support of them.
 independent. Under the leadership of President   of this year that a final draft was unveiled
 Shavkat Mirziyoyev, a comprehensive reform   and  the  vote  scheduled  for  April  30.   The presidential election of 9 July was one of
 programme  was  undertaken,  and  a  set  of   The  final  draft  altered  65  percent  of  the   the direct results of the constitutional change.
 constitutional  reforms  was  prepared  under   existing Uzbek Constitution, including the   There were several candidates running for elec-
 the direction of the country’s Constitutional   introduction  of  27  new  articles  and  159   tion, but for any observer it seemed impossible
 Reform Commission.  new provisions.                  to win against the incumbent -- and now re-
                                                      elected -- president. He has done a very good
                                                      job during his previous term, and everybody
                                                      expects this will continue to be the case.
 Photos: Pierre Michel Virot                          Uzbekistan  legislation  requires  at  least  33%

                                                      of eligible voters to take part in the presiden-
                                                      tial elections, otherwise, the elections will be
                                                      pronounced invalid. The law also provides for
                                                      a second round if none of the candidates re-
                                                      ceives more than 50% of the vote. The Presi-

     w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h  w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h  dent was re-elected with 87.05 % of the votes.
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