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international                                         international

 The Situation of

 The Hawaiian Kingdom

 a nation in


               claim from Hawaii. Instead, the United States  In 1959, the United States conducted a sham
 H.E. Leon     seeks to manufacture an indigenous Hawaiian  decolonization  referendum  then  submitted
               tribal nation to be a proxy to produce a phony  Report A/4226 to the UN General Assembly
 Kaulahao Siu  “settlement” that would allow the United States  falsely  purporting  the  Hawaiian  People  had
               to remain in absolute control of the Islands.
                                                      consented  to  become  integrated  into  the
 Minister of Foreign Affairs  Current Situation:      United  States.  The  UN  General  Assembly
                                                      accepted  the  United  States  Report  at  face
 The Hawaiian Kingdom  About  40  years  ago,  a  small  remnant  of  value without verification of the referendum
               descendants of Hawaiian Kingdom subjects —  process by neutral observers or a competent
 Most  people,  including  diplomats  and  as  a  fully  sovereign  nation,  enjoying  trade,   Hawaiian nationals — activated a movement  UN agency. Then on 12 December 1959, the
 international  experts,  are  unaware  of  the  discourse,  bilateral  and  multi-lateral  treaties   to liberate the Hawaiian Islands from the U.S.  General Assembly adopted Resolution 1469,
 ongoing situation concerning the sovereignty  with  other  sovereign  nations,  with  137   and to reinstate the Hawaiian Kingdom as a  erroneously concluding the political status of
 of  the  Hawaiian  Islands  —  that  Hawaii  is  embassies  and  consulates  posted  around   sovereign,  independent  nation-state.  These  the Hawaiian Islands was “settled” and Hawaii
 being  held  captive  under  a  strange  form  of  the  world.  In  1893,  without  warning  or   Hawaiian nationals are calling upon members  was no longer regarded as a non-self-governing
 occupation by the United States of America.  provocation,  fully  armed  U.S.  troops  landed   of  the  international  community  to  honor  territory. By submitting a misleading report,
 Contrary to the assumption that it is no longer  in  Honolulu,  to  give  military  support  to  a   treaties, agreements and covenants they had  the  United  States  deliberately  hijacked  the
 around, the Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands  small  group  of  insurgents  (traitors),  setting   made  with  the  Hawaiian  Kingdom,  so  the  UN  decolonization  process,  causing  the
 does  still  exist  as  a  sovereign,  independent  into  motion  a  series  of  unlawful  acts  to   Hawaiian  people  can  normalize  and  resume  UN  itself  to  become  complicit  in  the  fraud.
 country in continuity.  gain  control  of  the  Hawaiian  Islands.  Those   living  in  peace  and  harmony  as  part  of  the  Unfortunately, even though it was the result
 At  no  time  did  the  Hawaiian  Kingdom,  unlawful  acts  included:  fomenting  regime   family of nations.  of fraud, UNGA Resolution 1469 still stands
 relinquish  its  sovereignty  or  any  of  its  changes,  installing  puppet  governments;   as the official position of the United Nations.
 territory to the United States… or any other  imposing U.S. laws; imposing U.S. citizenship;   Status Under the United Nations:   That means the UN and its 193 members are
 foreign  country.  At  no  time  did  the  United  and  even  hijacking  the  UN  decolonization   Concealing  the  fact  that  the  Hawaiian  bound by Resolution 1469 to regard Hawaii
 States acquire the sovereignty or any territory  procedures.   Kingdom was already a recognized sovereign  as an integral part of the United States. The
 from the Hawaiian Kingdom. At no time was   country  (and  had  been  for  103  years),  in  presumption that “the political question has
 the  sovereignty  of  the  Hawaiian  Kingdom  The US Admits Wrongful Acts:   1946 the United States placed the “Territory  been  settled”  precludes  any  legal  recourse  to
 extinguished.  Two  U.S.  Presidents,  Grover  Cleveland  in   of  Hawaii”  on  the  United  Nations  list  of  the international wrongful acts of the United
 1893 and William Clinton in 1993, formally   “Non-Self-Governing   Territories”   under  States with regard to Hawaii’s sovereignty.
 That means the Hawaiian Islands is not now  apologized  for  the  wrongful  taking  of   GA Resolution 66 and Article 73 of the UN
 —  and  never  was  —  a  part  of  the  United  the  Hawaiian  Islands,  admitting  that  the   Charter,  ostensibly  offering  the  Hawaiian  Engaging the United Nations
 States, and the fabricated “State of Hawaii” is  sovereignty  of  the  Hawaiian  Kingdom  was   Islands to the UN’s decolonization procedure.   Over the past 20 years, Hawaiians have filed
 an  entity  concocted  by  the  United  States  to  never  lawfully  relinquished  or  extinguished.     It  is  now  apparent  that  this  was  a  ploy  numerous  petitions,  reports,  complaints
 conceal a colonial criminal enterprise.   Despite its own admissions, the United States   of  the  United  States  to  exploit  the  UN’s  and  appeals  to  various  bodies  of  the  UN,
 continues  the  pretense  that  Hawaii  is  an   decolonization  process,  by  projecting  the  protesting  the  United  States’  false  claim  to
 History of the Situation:   integral part of the United States; refuses to   appearance of magnanimity while concealing  the  Hawaiian  Islands.  Communications  to
 During  the  19   Century,  the  Hawaiian  recognize  Hawaii’s  sovereignty;  and  avoids   the wrongful taking of the Hawaiian Islands.  the  UN  include:  appeals  to  the  Secretary
 Kingdom  was  recognized  and  respected  the legal and moral obligations to withdraw its

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