Page 23 - DIVA_2_2023
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This indicated that Independent Expert Dr. 1. In light of the wrongful acts leading to the the Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands would
Zayas regarded the question of the political occupation of the Hawaiian Kingdom to which be affirmed and reinstated as a sovereign,
status Hawaii is indeed, not settled. the U.S. admits, and the current treatment independent state.
• In 2015 at the Universal Periodic Review of Hawaiian nationals as occupied people in
of the United States of America, the Islamic the Hawaiian Islands, and in light of Geneva A simple review by the General Assembly
Republic of Pakistan requested that the United Convention IV and Article 1 of the ICCPR, of UNGA Resolution 1469 would trigger
States respond to the recommendation of how does the U.S. intend to rectify the denial the return of the Kingdom of the Hawaiian
paragraph 69 (n) from Dr. Zayas’ 2013 report of the human rights of Hawaiian nationals, Islands to its proper standing as a sovereign,
to the UN General Assembly, pertaining to the particularly their right of self-determination? independent, neutral country.
situations of Alaska, Hawaii and the Dakotas.
This query by Pakistan indicated that these 2. In light of the legal admissions of the U.S.
matters of political status under international Congress in the Apology Law, (U.S. Public Law
law have not been properly settled. The United 103-150) and the confiscation of 1.8 million
States did not respond to Pakistan’s question. acres of Hawaiian lands, as well as submerged
• In 2017 the Hawaiian Islands filed lands, resources and energy, how does the
petitions with both the Fourth Committee U.S. plan to restore the control of land and H.E. Leon Kaulahao Siu
and the Committee of 24, calling for a review natural resources to the Hawaiian people and Minister of Foreign Affairs
of UNGA Resolution 1469 and, upon finding to ensure subsistence rights and the right to The Hawaiian Kingdom
it resulted from faulty information, declare freely dispose of (or conserve) their natural Website:
General, various Presidents of the General UNGA Resolution 1469 to be null and void. resources? Email:
Assembly, the Decolonization Committee, There was no response.
the Fourth Committee, the Office of the High • In 2017 a complaint was filed with the UN 3. How does the U.S. intend to harmonize its
Commissioner on Human Rights, the Human Office of the High Commissioner for Human National Security policies with the Hawaiian
Rights Committee, the Human Rights Council, Rights by heirs and descendants, titleholders people’s right to self-determination within the
the Committee for the Elimination of Racial to lands in Hawaii, whose lands had been provisions of Article 1 of the ICCPR; and the
Discrimination, the Permanent Forum on unlawfully seized and sold to foreign entities, right to peace and safety?
Indigenous Issues, the Expert Mechanism on in collusion with the courts of the puppet
the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and others. government, the State of Hawaii. Since these The United States did not respond to the
All to no avail. are private titles granted by the laws of the questions posed by the Shadow Report.
w R
Hawaiian Kingdom, they require adjudication
Some Movement at the United Nations under Hawaiian Kingdom laws or under The Solution: Correcting The Error
Following are a few indications of some Hawaiian Kingdom treaties. There was no We call upon the UN General Assembly
international concern for the Hawaii response from the High commissioner. to review the circumstances that led to the
situation: • In 2018 Dr Alfred M. deZayas, in his adoption of UNGA Resolution 1469 of 12
• In 2008, members of the Committee for the capacity as a UN independent expert, wrote December 1959. And that upon discovering
Elimination of Racial Discrimination asked in a memorandum to judges of the State of its deficiencies and error, the UN would carry
the United States to explain the procedure Hawaii: “I have come to understand that the out its obligation under the Charter to correct
used to make Hawaii a state of the United lawful political status of the Hawaiian Islands the error by revoking UNGA Resolution 1469,
States. The US did not respond. is that of a sovereign nation-state in continuity; thus invalidating the United States’ claim
• In 2010 at a side event of the Universal but a nation-state that is under a strange form that “the political question has been settled,”
Periodic Review of the USA, the US of occupation by the United States resulting from and repudiating the United States’ claim of
representative dodged the question about an illegal military occupation and a fraudulent sovereignty over the Hawaiian Islands. The
the procedure used to induct Hawaii into the annexation. inherent sovereignty of the Hawaiian Islands
United States. He said, “The political question • The 2019 Shadow Report by the Koani would become undeniably apparent under
has been settled.” Foundation Hawaii, submitted to address the international law, and the U.S. will be charged
• In 2013, Dr. Alfred M. deZayas, the UN Universal Periodic Review of the United States with a sacred obligation to withdraw its claim
independent expert for the promotion of a of America, enumerated multiple human of jurisdiction, its control and its operations
democratic and equitable international order, rights violations in the Hawaiian Islands from the Hawaiian Islands.
in paragraph 69 (n) of his Report A/68/284 resulting from the illegal occupation of the
to the UN General Assembly, cited Hawaii Hawaiian Islands by the United States and Thus, through peaceful means, the illegal
among the places that should be addressed by posed the following questions to the United occupation of the Hawaiian Islands by the
the United Nations decolonization procedures. States: United States would be brought to an end, and
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