Page 19 - DIVA_2_2023
P. 19
START YOUR international international
The participation was higher in the regions
Ò× ÐÎ×ÎßÊ than in Taskhent, but this is because many
Uzbeks go back to their home cities to vote.
The elections were well organized, and there
was no criticism from any of the observers. It
seemed logical -- and completely obvious -- to
the many observers that the current president
would be re-elected, given his excellent track
The following day, 10 July, the country’s Cen-
tral Election Commission published the pre-
liminary results showing the sweeping vic-
tory of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who
got 87.05% of the votes. More than 15 million Shavkat Mirziyoyev announced the consistent
voters turned out for the elections. continuation of a deeply thought-out foreign
policy and economic diplomacy. The main
As the result was being declared, letters of goal will be to strengthen relations with the
congratulations came from all over the world, states of the region and to raise cooperation
and especially from the neighboring coun- with foreign partners and international organ-
tries. President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev of izations to a new level. Solving the problems
Kazakhstan was the first to congratulate his of ecology and environmental protection, as
colleague on the victory. President Tokayev well as the shortage of water resources, will
described the results of the presidential elec- remain an urgent task.
tion as proof of people’s support of the current
Uzbek president’s political program aimed at Being a neutral, independent observer, I have
ensuring Uzbekistan’s sustainable growth, sta- had the pleasure of visiting Uzbekistan numer-
bility and prosperity, the president’s press serv- ous times over the years, and what I see and
ice said.The Chinese leader Xi Jinping sent his hear is that the population has a rising stand-
congratulations as well and praised Mirziy- ard of living. Economic growth is stable.
oyev’s leadership, saying, “I am willing to work
with you to promote the continuous develop- President Shavakat Mirzivoyev has opened
ment of the China-Uzbekistan comprehensive up the country of 35 million people to foreign
strategic partnership and inject new impetus trade and investment while also easing restric-
into the construction of a China-Uzbekistan tions on religious and political freedoms. This
community with a shared future”. was my third presidential election, something
a volunteer in Bukhara so kindly reminded
On July 14, a solemn Ceremony of the Inau- me of. I visited several voting stations, and
Double degree with University of Plymouth (UK) guration of the President-elect of Uzbekistan they were as usual very well organized. Ow-
took place in Tashkent at a joint meeting of ing to the heat, most people came early in the
the Legislative Chamber and the Senate of the morning, or late in the day, just before the
Oliy Majlis. closure of the voting stations. In the middle
of the day, when the temperature reached 43
During the Inauguration, the President out- degrees Centigrade, many people preferred
BACHELOR AND MASTER PROGRAMS IN: lined strategic goals for the next 7 years. These to wait until the late afternoon before casting
are the improvement of legislative and execu- their vote.
• International Management tive power, the creation of a compact and effi-
cient management system, the development of
• International Relations and Diplomacy the social sphere, the expansion of opportuni-
ties for entrepreneurship, and the increase in
• Digital Media jobs and incomes of the population.
• Business Analytics ÒÒÐ ÌÑ
• Computer Science w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
IUN-22-18386_Annonce UNtoday_210X297_PROD.indd 1 08.12.22 09:07