Page 21 - DIVA_1_2022
P. 21
International International
“The UN security Council Resolution Today you are based in Niger managing the Finally, when you look back, what is the “Gender equality expertise is needed in
International Federation of Red Cross and red posting that has given you the most personal
1325 on Women, Peace and Security Crescent Societies’ activities in that country. satisfaction? order to take effective leadership in this
from 2000 demands gender balance What exactly do you do, and how is it to live This job in Niger is the most interesting and complex field where there is a tendency
in one of the world’s poorest countries? compelling I have had to date. The team
but is being mocked regularly and The population of 23 million people in Niger welcomed me warmly from day one and each globally to hold female victims fully or
without consequences for those who deserves to live in peace and harmony and member is an expert in their area. Being the partially responsible for what an abuser
violate this resolution that was intended with full access to education, healthcare, boss and not just a puny advisor, I find it has done to them.“
housing and work and leisure. Sadly, 10 million exhilarating that I can quickly include gender
to be binding.“ people, 42% of the population, live in extreme equality actions such as prevention and
poverty. Malnutrition and starvation run response to gender-based violence in every
high, children between one and two years old report, strategy, project budget, job description,
have the lowest vaccination rate in Africa with training and presentation. Focusing on and
countries I see in the media gives me the shivers 13%. Nearly 60 % of the population is under mainstreaming this into all aspects of our work workplace and especially potential abusers,
as I know excluding women makes the talks 18 years old. Climate change effects, annual is something that all heads of delegations are HR, legal units and young, female staff must
less relevant to society at large and agreements floods, droughts, epidemics such as cholera- expected to do as per our adopted strategies, so know this and apply the prohibitions daily
will be more fragile and probably even a waste outbreak in nearly all parts of the country it is not revolutionary. Yet it is challenging for and vehemently. No-one can hide behind
of time and money. The UN security Council currently, the ongoing Covid-pandemic many managers to “walk the talk” on gender diplomatic immunity when it comes to sexual
Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security and spillover of conflict and terrorists from issues among the plethora of daily, pressing misconduct. Only by practicing gender-
from 2000 demands gender balance but is being neighboring countries cause much suffering humanitarian demands. Gender equality sensitive behavior vis-à-vis colleagues can
mocked regularly and without consequences and often loss of life. Niger has the highest expertise is needed in order to take effective managers and employees be expected to know
for those who violate this resolution that was rates of child marriage in the world, with 76% leadership in this complex field where there how to do this when working with people
intended to be binding. Foreign delegations of girls married before their 18 birthday and is a tendency globally to hold female victims in need of humanitarian or development
must ensure equal participation of women 28% before the age of 15. Marriage before the fully or partially responsible for what an assistance. Together with colleagues in Niger
and should demand that warring or opposing age of 18 is basically child rape and is extremely abuser has done to them. It also helps to have I recently organised two workshops on sexual
factions ensure a gender balance in their teams, detrimental to girls’ health, education and grown up as a girl. A majority of managers in harassment issues, where other Red Cross-
too. There is usually much foreign funding wellbeing. They are too young to give birth to the humanitarian sector are men. Very few national societies and ICRC also joined.
involved in the rebuilding of society after children and often experience complications African women lead humanitarian operations The participants produced over 30 concrete
conflict and donors should demand a gender during labor and childbirth, and there is high or units on the continent even though there recommendations. Cooperating closely
balance (mainly by including women from the risk of health problems and death for both the are plenty of skilled and suitable talents. The with Niger Red Cross and with funding
country experiencing conflict) in every session, girl and the baby. This backdrop and many men in charge traditionally have shunned from Finnish Red Cross we have included
decision-making body and implementation as a other challenges that people face, motivate gender parity initiatives at senior levels and prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse
requirement for funding. It is taxpayers who fund me to work closely with local expertise, have networked so that men from the global (PSEA) consultants from Niger in health,
most of these peacebuilding and reconstruction especially women, to find solutions that work. north continue to hold most of the power and nutrition and Covid-19 projects in four
efforts, and taxpayers are evidently made up by As head of office, I coordinate humanitarian purse strings in international cooperation. regions in Niger. These female consultants
women and men. Between 2015 and 2019, only operations together with a wonderful team Additionally, as these same male leaders have who speak local languages will in the next
14 % of peace negotiators globally were women. of about 15 people – of whom most are from decided and with the support of donors, there months conduct discreet conversations with
Research shows that peace processes that include Niger. We cooperate with Niger Red Cross, simply are too few gender and gender-based women and adolescent girls about the risks
women have a 20% higher chance of lasting seven European Red Cross organisations that violence prevention experts in humanitarian of SEA during the delivery of humanitarian
two years, and those processes that include are based in Niger, the ICRC, government and development organisations. aid and ask the women and girls what aid
civil society, including women’s organisations, agencies in Niger and abroad, UN agencies, organisations should do to end such abuses.
have a 64% lower risk of failing. Working in development banks and local civil society. Ensuring safe operations for both staff and The activity is based on a concept developed
the humanitarian sector, which struggles to Our delegation just became a cluster office and people affected by emergencies requires and applied in Lebanon and Uganda since 2017
raise enough money to provide life-saving we are starting to coordinate IFRC’s activities implementation of high-quality and effective by “Empowered Aid”, which is an initiative
assistance to people in need, I urge everyone also in Burkina Faso, the Ivory Coast and action. For instance, organisations need to under the Global Women’s Institute at George
who is involved in peace processes to insist on Mali. The team is adding a number of local start with themselves and educate staff and Washington University in Washington, D.C.
involving 50% women and mainly women from and international experts in health, disaster managers on how to prevent and respond It is very inspiring to be able to influence
the country where peace is being sought. Lives prevention and response, security, protection, to sexual harassment in the workplace. humanitarian operations with a gender lens.
will be saved, and countries will become more gender and inclusion and more. For me it is Briefing staff on national legislation that
stable and productive and hopefully no longer a privilege to be working and living here and prohibits harassment and power abuse in the
need humanitarian aid in situations due to I am grateful for being looked well after by workplace is a first step. Over 150 countries
conflict. security guards and the national staff. have criminalized sexual harassment in the
0 w w w . d i v a i n t e r n a t i o n a l . c h w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h