Page 20 - Jan2023
P. 20


                                                                          January  25th

         Sean Connery may arguably be  the cinema's best
         known  Scot,   but  for   the  Scot  best  known  on  an
         international  level, that  title  belongs to Scotland's
         National  Poet,  Robert  Burns.   While  Burns   was  in
         real life as much a womanizer as  007 was made to
         appear, his actual very short  life was not all roses
         and  whiskey.   Yet,  the  power  of  his  verse,  most
         Americans  thinking  primarily  of  the  New  Year's
         mainstay Auld Lang Syne as his contribution to the
         events  of  the  day,   in  Scotland  holding   a  Burns
         Night  Supper  is   one  of  the  three  most  popular
         Scottish holidays, which include  Hogmany and St.
         Andrews Day.

         So,  who   was  Robert  Burns  and  what  is  a  Burns
         Supper-  aside  from  an   event  where   suppers  are
         held around the world wherever there are Scots or
         people of Scottish derivation?
         Even the English  can be invited to a Burns Supper--
         if only  to watch them squirm as they are offered a
         mandatory piece of the meal's main attraction-- the      Above: An engraving of Robert Burns with
         Haggis. Actually, addressing the Haggis, with Burns'     scenes from his poems, via an istock image by
         ode  to  the  same,  is  one  of  the  highlights  of  tthe   picthunter.
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