Page 6 - Nov 2022
P. 6

Above: After winning his group at the annual car show and then  enjoying the beautiful  fall weather, NBCC's
        president  made a top down  stop at Publix for groceries.  Then he  got a call from Karen at home   asking him
        to pick up five  mums for the porch. He said yes, forgetting, for a moment,  that he had the    TR6  in the
        parking lot. Todd   made do and received some some smiles  as his mini -Thanksgiving float turned towards
        home.  There's no  better way to  give people a colorful  start to November and to welcome    the season of
        gratitude than to see  a field of yellow chrysanthemums both  peeking out from the passenger's seat of a
        classic LBC convertible and reflected in its rear view mirror.

                                          The Y ear has turned its circle

                                              The seasons come and go

                                           The harvest all is gathered in

                                            And chilly north winds blow.

                                     Orchards have shared their treasures,

                                           The fields their yellow grain,

                                            So open wide the doorway---

                                            Thanksgiving comes again!
                                                                                 Author unknown
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