Page 8 - Nov 2022
P. 8

My  OOPS! File from t he            On Typing, continued from page 2
                 Oct ober issue
                                                I took the hint, bought a primitive word processing machine, and put my
        1.  Jim  Moran  owns  the              30 plus year old typing ?skills? to work. It wasn? pretty. A friend who had
        Triumph that was pictured in           been an executive secretary and a  good one,  laughed at my floppy disc
                                               word processor. She   gave me an outdated, for  her, Apple computer   and
        the  Cars  &  Coffee  article.   I
                                               a  printer.   Then   she   watched  as    I  fell  further  into  the  abyss  of
        have       no       idea       who     do-it-yourself-ism.
        Drummond  is,  or  how    I            Soon,  writing  on   legal  pads,  then  transcribing  the  written  word  to   the
        managed to attach this name            machine  by fingers, seemed like an unnecessary redundancy. ( I had, had

        to the photo. My apologies.            a similar revelation years before when I discovered that I could save time
                                               by not having to deal with my contact lenses and began to wear glasses,
        2.  In  t he  art icle  about   Bob    instead.)  I  found  myself  with   horror   typing  directly  into  a  Word
                                               document.   Now,   management   began  to  expect  that  my  work  product
        Slayden's  Triumph  It alia
                                               would come in  already typed and ready for production.  I had worked my
        2000,       I    managed          to   way  up  to   becoming,  not  only  my  actual  job  title,  but  also   my  own
        substitute   the name Bill for         secretary. This was progress???
        Bob   (Slayden)  in  a  photo          Each month when I work on MOTORING, I am reminded that I will never

        caption.  It's   Bob  not  Bill        be the typist that any of those long -suffering secretaries,  who produced
                                               page after page of clean copy, fixing  my obvious errors as they  tapped
        shown  in this photo.
                                               along,  were.  In  fact,  I  will  never  have  the  attention  to  detail  that  they
                                               brought  to  work  with  them  each  day.   At  a  remove  of  60  years  I  am
                                               humbled  by  their  skill  and  their  dedication  to  getting   it  right,  because
                                               missing   the  small  things  can  become   unexpected  big  and  sometimes
                                               consequential  mistakes very quickly.
                                               Automatic editing  and spell check only go so far and often create even
                                               more blunders with their automatic  "assistance". I always find  that once
                                               the issue is  published  that I have   produced  , as the British comedian
                                               Eddie  Izzard  says,  what  the  sentence  looked  ?like  in  my  mind  ?  ,
                                               overlooking what was actually on the  page, leaving it without correction.
        3. The Dickens of a Holiday
                                               The  remedy  for  that  is  a  new   OOPS!  Column   debuting  this  month  [
        Brunch       being      held     on    opposite].   There,  as  a  mea  culpa,   the  errors  of  the  past  issue   can  be
        December  10t h   does  not            corrected in the current one.
        end at   11PM but  at  1 PM or         I realize now that I should have paid more attention in high school when
        thereabouts.          What         a   told that being able to type , error free, ? Now is the time for all good men
                                               to come to the aid of their country.? at 65 words per minute was going to
        difference  a  1  can  make.
                                               be  important;   but  then,  who  could  have  anticipated  that  type  or  die
        RSVPS  are  still  required  by        'would become   the mantra of the 21st century and that even our thumbs
        December 3rd.                          would have to get into the act, if,  God forbid, we felt compelled  to text

        4.  The  Walk-around  video             ?Veni, vidi, vinci.? ? I came, I saw, but it was  typing that conquered.
        from  the  recent   Monterey           On  average  there  are  tens  of  thousands  of  words  in  MOTORING  each
        Car auctions did not make it           month. I type them all.

        into the issue, although there         Please bear with me when you come across errors and let me know if you
                                               think they are important enough to warrant a correction.
        was  a  line   in  The  News
        section      saying      it    was      For all my good intentions, I  fear I will never be a an agile  kitten on the
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