Page 23 - Dedication
P. 23
hurt them. The phrase 'a bit' is also acceptable in both, but
Americans are more likely to say 'a little'.
1.4 Usage notes:
a- AM – PM:
AM: stands for the Latin phrase Ante Meridiem, which
means "before noon".
PM: stands for the Latin phrase Post Meridiem, which
means "after noon".
b- E.g. – I.e. :
E.g.: stands for the Latin phrase Exempli gratia, which
means "for example". It can be pronounced as 'e.g.' or 'for
I.e.: stands for the Latin phrase id est, which means "in
other words" or "it/that is".
c- Mr.: a title utilised before the family name or full name of
a man who has no other title, or when talking to a man
who holds a particular official position e.g. Mr. Robert –
Mr. Jack Robert.