Page 18 - Dedication
P. 18

1.3.2 Prepositions:

There are also some grammatical differences between

British and American English, for example when you are

choosing the correct preposition to use, for instance:

British English                 American English

- You can phone/call us - You can phone/call us at

on 004*******.                  004*******.

- He looked round the - He looked around the

corner.                         corner.

- His accent is different - His accent is different

from/to mine.                   from/than mine.

- People were protesting - People were protesting

about the war.                  the war.

- I wrote to her a letter.      - I wrote her a letter.

- I will write to you every - I will write you every

week.                           week.

- I studied tourism at - I studied tourism in

(university/school).            (university/school).

- I will meet you at the - I will meet you on the

weekend.                        weekend.

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