Page 15 - Dedication
P. 15
Capitalise the first letter of letters' salutation line e.g. Dear
Capitalise the first letter of letters' closing e.g. Yours
Capitalise the first letters of words in titles of books and
novels e.g. Great Expectations, films e.g. The Others,
and essays e.g. Importance of Cultural Tourism in
Important Notes:
In titles of books, films etc, capitalise the first word, the
last word and other important words.
Do not capitalise prepositions e.g. for, of, with, etc. in the
middle of the title.
Do not capitalise determiners e.g. an, a, the, her. etc. in
the middle of the title.
Do not capitalise linking words e.g. and in the middle of
the title.
Capitalise the names of political parties e.g. The
Democratic Party.