Page 17 - Dedication
P. 17

can often also be spelt -ise or -isation, for example both

"capitalization" and "capitalisation" are correct in British

English, but the letter 'z' is the correct American spelling.

However, the word "advertise" is always spelt with an 's'.

There are also some other differences between British and

American words as indicated in the following table:

British words end in:           American words end in:

- ise:                          - ize:

Realise, recognise, digitise, Realize, recognize, digitise,

nationalise, demonise.          nationalize, demonize.

- isation:                      - ization:

Globalisation, organisation, Globalization, organization,

digitisation, nationalisation digitization, nationalization

- our:                          - or:

Colour, labour, humour,         Color, labor, humor,

tumour, favour, neighbour.      tumor, favor, neighbor.

- tre:                          - ter:

Theatre, centre, metre, litre. Theater, center, meter, liter.

- nce:                          - nse:

Licence, defence, offence.      License, defense, offense.

- elled, elling:                - eled, eling:

Travelled, cancelling.          Traveled, canceling.

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