Page 181 - tourism 2nd term 2021- 2022
P. 181
retort [v.] to answer in a quick, direct way [sometimes in anger]; [n.] a quick, angry
"why didn't you tell me that Brad wasn't coming?" asked Bill. "Why didn't
you ask?" retorted Bill's wife.
unabashed [adj.] unembarrassed
Unabashed, Watts just smiled and asked, "What are you going to do with
me?" when, after eating a big dinner, he informed the restaurant manager that
he had no money.
As a young priest, Archbishop Patrick J. Ryan of Philadelphia was stationed at a parish in
St. Louis. The archbishop of that diocese lived in a small, unpretentious house painted a drab
brown and often in need of repair. The house was hardly in keeping with the archbishop's high
position in the church.
One day, accompanied by a visiting priest from Chicago, Father Ryan passed the
archbishop's abode and pointed it out to his visitor.
The Chicago priest frowned in disbelief; "You mean that eyesore, that rickety little shack
is where the archbishop lives?" Continuing, he boasted, "You should see the splendid residence
we have in Chicago for our archbishop!".
Father Ryan's reply was the perfect squelch. "Yes," he retorted, unabashed, "but you
should see the splendid archbishop we have in St. Louis for our residence."
Answer the following questions, using new words from this lesson.
1. Q: That artist always uses such dull colors in his paintings, doesn't he?
A: Yes, he does. ------------------------------------------------
2. Q: Did the man have a permanent place to live?
A: No. he didn't. ------------------------------------------------
3. Q: They paid a lot for a cheap, little house, didn't they?
A: Yes, they did. ------------------------------------------------
4. Q: That antique chair looks weak and unsteady, doesn't it?
A: Yes, it does---------------------------- ----------------------