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Over To You
Look at these other architectural styles and imagine your own castle
The late-Gothic style like Ottoman architecture with towering Neo-classical architecture uses symmetry,
Burg Eltz in Germany has tall, minarets, rounded arches and onion domes ordered proportions and grand columns
pointed roofs. This castle was like the Blue Mosque in Istanbul. like the Bank of Ireland in Dublin.
designed for defence and its
construction followed the rock
shape below.
Instructions: Use big sheets of paper and lots of colours. Trust your imagination,
it can take you to great places!
• Design your own castle. Choose one of the castles given in the examples and draw your own design using
that style. Label the features and then present them to your class.
• Create your own new architectural style and give it a name, draw a castle in that style. What are the
features of your new style? For example, every window could be round, the walls made of ice and high
towers made of glass. It could be called the Glacial Palatial style!
• Be the architect. Now that you have designed your own castle, it is time to design for someone else. Get
a friend to describe their ideal castle (it might be handy to take some notes) and design a castle for them.
Present it to them as if you were a real architect.