Page 15 - Luton Properties eBook 2018
P. 15

folded at an auction are probably             The auctioneer does not have to
            bidders, so don’t give anything away,         accept the bid, and probably won’t

            stand looking relaxed or with your            in the early stages of an auction,
            arms behind your back and don’t               but probably will once the home has
            worry about standing at the front –           been called on the market. Uneven
            many buyers hide behind the crowd             bids will slow things down a little as

            – it won’t make any difference to the         the auctioneer does the maths and
            result, but will allow the auctioneer         it may throw other bidders a little off
            to clearly see your bid. The other            balance too.
            piece of tell-tale body language to
            look out for is drooping shoulders.           FINALLY - TAKE THE
            Once buyers have reached their limit,  EMOTION OUT OF IT

            their shoulders often drop and their          Buyers often look with their heads
            demeanour slumps.                             but buy with their hearts. To stay

                                                          in control and be as successful as
            BREAK DOWN THE PRICE                          possible – and that means either

            One tactic that can slow the auction          buying, or not buying something
            down a little if there is a bidding           you can’t really afford - take the
            frenzy is to break down the bids              emotion away. Don’t get too invested

            you make into uneven numbers                  in a property and leave you heart at
            – and call out the bid you want to            home. Bid with your head and invest
            make. If the auctioneer is asking             in the home once it is yours – after
            for another $5000 bid, offer $4300.           the fall of the hammer.
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