Page 10 - Luton Properties eBook 2018
P. 10

for another person on the telephone you           You may make your bid at the set
            must register and provide the name and            amount, or you can offer a figure higher                                      SELL
            address of that person in a written sales  or lower than the standard rise. The
            authority to the seller’s agent.                  auctioneer has the choice to accept or

                                                              reject the bid. The auctioneer must call a
                          Bidding at the auction – the        bidder’s number when taking a bid. The                                TODAY
                          auctioneer will try to sell         law allows the auctioneer to make one
                          the property for the highest        seller bid during the auction. This bid
            possible price. Before bidding starts,            must be announced as a seller bid.
            you (the prospective buyer) register your                                                                Source: Reality Check a real estate guide for buyers and sellers in the ACT

            details in the bidders’ record and obtain                      On the market! At some
            a bidder number, understand that the                           stage the auctioneer may
            terms of the contract are fixed and no                         call a pause to the auction
            cooling-off period applies. If your bid           and seek advice or instructions from

            is successful, there will be no right to          the seller. If the seller is satisfied that
            withdraw from the contract. If you do             the reserve has been met or is prepared
            not complete the purchase you will be at  to sell to the last bid offered, then the
            risk of losing your deposit.                      agent will announce that the property
                                                              is ‘on the market’. This means that
                         Anyone at a public auction           bidding has reached the value at which

                         is allowed to ask the                the property can be sold. If you are the
                         auctioneer a reasonable              successful bidder at an auction, you
            number of questions about the property,           will immediately be required to sign
            the contract for the sale of residential          the contract for the sale of residential

            property and the rules and conduct of             property and pay a deposit. Then – you
            the auction. The auctioneer can set the           have just bought yourself your new
            amount by which bids increase. These              home!
            are called ‘rises’ or ‘bidding advances’.
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