Page 9 - Luton Properties eBook 2018
P. 9

Once the auctioneer’s                The contract for the sale and required
                         hammer has fallen and the            documents must also be available.
 ”          highest bidder, exchange of contracts                          Buying property in the ACT
                         home has been sold to the

                                                                           by auction requires all
            takes place straight away – there is no
                                                                           potential bidders to register
            cooling off period. The buyers sign the
            contract, so do the sellers, the contract
                                                              the auction (along with your exchange
            are exchanged – and the house is sold.            prior to making a bid. Bring your ID to
                                                              deposit cheque). Most buyers’ use their
                         As soon as exchange has              drivers’ licence, but passports, vehicle

                         taken place, it is important         registration papers, a rates notice, tax
                         to take insurance for the            assessment or a bank statement can
            property as you will have a legal interest        be used. Registration and obtaining
            in the home. Once exchange has taken              your bidding number is usually done

            place, the settlement period begins. This         immediately before the auction – this
            is usually 28 or 30 days in the ACT. At the       process allows you to bid – you don’t
            end of the settlement period, the buyers          have to if you change your mind – it just
            pay the balance of the amount owing to            gives you the right to.
            the sellers and collects the keys to their
            new home.                                                      A bidder can register with

                                                                           the real estate agent at any
                         The best way to approach                          time prior to the auction but
                         an auction is exactly the            will only be given a bidder’s number on
                         same way you would use               presenting proof of identity on the day

            to approach a private treaty sale – be            of the auction. You can pre-register by
            prepared, do your homework and stay               attending the agent’s office before the
            within your budget.                               auction. You can also register anytime
                                                              during the auction, until the fall of the
                                                              hammer. If you are running late – let the
            AUCTION DAY                                       auctioneer and agent know you want

                                                              to register. Once you have your bidding
                         There are strict rules that          number, the auctioneer can legally
                         apply to the conduct of an           accept your bid.
                         auction. These rules ensure

            the auction is a fair and transparent                          If you are bidding to buy the
            process for all. The agent or auctioneer                       property jointly with another
            must display a copy of the conditions                          person (for example, your
            of sale at the place of auction for a             spouse or partner), only one of you
            minimum of 30 minutes before the                  needs to register. If you are bidding for
            auction begins. It’s best to read these           another person or a company, you need

            carefully before bidding and to ask the           to reveal the name and address of that
            agent any questions you might have.               person or company. If you are bidding
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