Page 14 - Luton Properties eBook 2018
P. 14

other as the ‘designated driver” –           wants and allows you to decide if it
                     someone who is not intoxicated by            is within your budget. Don’t forget

                     the auction excitement and a sober           – if the property is passed in, the
                     reminder of your limit.                      highest bidder has the exclusive right
                                                                  to negotiate for the property, and to
                     HAVE A STRATEGY                              purchase under auction conditions

                     Prepare for being a bidder by                (immediate exchange) up until
                     attending other auctions before              midnight on the day of the auction.
                     you are ready to buy. See how they           If there are multiple buyers, it is

                     are conducted so you know what to            best not to reveal all your cards
                     expect. There are two main scenarios         at once. What many buyers don’t
                     you should have a strategy for: if           realise is that the serious bidding
                     you are the only bidder, or, if it is        only happens once the owners have

                     a runaway auction with multiple              declared the property to be on the
                     bidders. If you are the only bidder,         market (the bidding has reached a
                     you don’t want to bid against yourself       price the owner will accept). After
                     but you will have to bid to make an          that point, the home will sell to the
                     auction happen. Often, especially if         highest bidder.
                     the auction is slowing, the auctioneer

                     will make a Vendor Bid – a bid on            BODY LANGUAGE
                     the owners’ behalf - to move the             Your body language can play a role
                     auction along. The vendor bid can            at an auction. Generally speaking,
                     give you an idea of what the seller          those who stand with their arms

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