Page 7 - Luton Properties eBook 2018
P. 7

PREPARING FOR                                         $       The exchange deposit is

            THE AUCTION                                                   usually 10% of the purchase
                                                                          price, however, some sellers
                                                              will accept a 5% exchange deposit.
                         Once you have decided which          Ask the selling agent if a 5% exchange
                         property you want to buy,            deposit will be acceptable and organise

                         approach the agent and have          your payment method. Some agencies
            a chat with them about the home. Speak            will accept EFT with a small cash
            with your mortgage provider – let them            deposit on auction day, otherwise a bank
            know you are going to bid for a property,         cheque, personal cheque or deposit
            check that your loan pre-approval is              bond are the usual methods of payment.
            still current and arrange to have your            Discuss this with the agent.

            exchange deposit ready for auction day.
                                                                          A deposit bond, or guarantee,

                                                                          is an alternative to providing
                                                                          a cash deposit or personal
                                                              cheque upon the exchange of contracts
                                                              for the sale of land. The use of a deposit
                                                              bond requires the specific approval of
                                                              the seller and needs to be written into

                                                              the contract for the sale of residential
                                                              property. You may wish to seek advice
                                                              on the use of deposit bonds from your
                                                              bank or solicitor and allow a couple of

                                                              weeks to organise one. If paying by bond
                                                              or bank cheque, organise one for 10%
                                                              or 5% of the amount you are prepared

                                               IF THE SELLER IS SATISFIED THAT THE

                                            RESERVE HAS BEEN MET OR IS PREPARED
                                            TO SELL TO THE LAST BID OFFERED, THEN
                                                              to pay to buy the home. If the purchase  ”
                                              THE AGENT WILL ANNOUNCE THAT THE

                                                    PROPERTY IS ‘ON THE MARKET’.

                                                              price means your exchange deposit is
                                                              slightly higher or lower than required,
                                                              the difference can easily be made up –

                                                              just let the auctioneer or agent know.

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