Page 3 - Luton eBook - 2019 Predictions for Agents
P. 3


                                                               4      CANBERRA IN 2019
                                                               8      LET’S TALK NUMBERS
                                                               9      CANBERRA’S HOTTEST SUBURBS
                                                              12      CANBERRA COMEDY FESTIVAL

          The Canberra Real Estate industry has               commission filtering down through the
          a very unique way of working around                 market, many savvy buyers are seeing
          it’s political centre. In this eBook, we            the uncertainty as a good opportunity to

          explore how 2019 will shape up as being  upgrade their primary residence. Grab
          one of the most interesting years in real  a coffee, sit tight, and let us guide you
          estate history. With a Federal election in  through an interesting year ahead.
          May and the effects of the banking royal

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