Page 5 - Luton eBook - 2019 Predictions for Agents
P. 5

Welcome to another                        HERE ARE SOME

                wonderful year of real                    PREDICTIONS

                estate! While we don’t                    FOR CANBERRA

                have a crystal ball                       IN 2019:

                to accurately predict

                what will happen in                       1. This isn’t a guess – there IS a

                the Canberra real                         general election looming! While this
                                                          will affect every state and territory
                estate market in 2019,                    real estate market to some extent,

                we do have some                           we lucky Capital Territorians are
                                                          particularly impacted. As approx.
                informed guesses                          45% of our work force are public
                                                          servants, any pending change or
                to offer you, based                       return of government usually means

                on our experience in                      a shake-up across all government
                                                          departments. This in turn means
                previous years and our                    that 45% of local buyers or sellers
                                                          put their moving plans on hold until
                understanding of the                      they know if they will have a job,

                ‘usual’ market cycles.                    and, if it will be in Canberra or not.

                                                          As any changes will not become
                                                          clear until a little while after the
                                                          election, we predict the Canberra
                                                          real estate market will be very quiet
                                                          from Easter (if a May election is
                                                          called) until spring this year.

                                                          2. We had a busier than usual
                                                          January last month and expect to
                                                          remain busy until mid-April, partly
                                                          because we are advising our sellers
                                                          to get into the market as soon
                                                          as they are ready. We only have 8
                                                          more ‘selling Saturdays’ between
                                                          16 February and Easter Saturday.
                                                          This, combined with the Anzac Day
                                                          long weekend after Easter, school
                                                          holidays and the election in May,

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