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College Prep Portfolio
Meet the Competition
Colleges and universities are becoming more competitive each year. With many highly-
qualified people competing for a limited number of spots, students are looking for ways to
stand out from the crowd and show the qualities that will earn them a place on the freshman
roster. Having high academic performance and test scores are no longer enough to distinguish
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you from other candidates. Schools are looking for well-rounded individuals who can show
their activity in extra curricular activities, leadership, and concern for their community. Now is
the time to create a plan and get ready for college entrance.
For Evaluation Only
The College Prep Portfolio Development Workbook
In this workbook, you will be looking at your strengths and weaknesses, your current skills
and abilities. Then you identify the skills and experiences you need to be ready to compete.
You will be identifying potential college majors and universities that will match your interests
and abilities, and write an application essay that could help you be selected as a candidate.
You will also be creating a College Prep Portfolio, a notebook containing work samples,
certificates, photos, letters of recommendation, and information about you. This portfolio is an
excellent tool to show to a recruiter during a college interview. When people are looking to
learn more about who you are and what you can do, a portfolio of your achievements and
work to date can help you stand out in the crowd. One of the benefits of assembling a college
prep portfolio is the added confidence you build in yourself. By identifying all your current
skills and abilities, you also make a plan for developing additional skills you need to succeed.
We highly recommend using this book in coordination with the book Creating Your Career
Portfolio At-A-Glance Guide for Students, 4 Ed. Creating Your Career Portfolio At-A-Glance
Guide for Students will provide an understanding of what a portfolio is, how to develop it and
successfully use it with educators and employers.
The exercises in this workbook will help you better understand:
The difference between hard and soft skills
What skills you currently have
Where you learned those skills
How to learn more skills
How to prove what skills you have
College majors that may be a good fit for you
Criteria used to select a college or university
Attitudes you might want to shift.
Introduction College Prep Portfolio Workbook 5