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Take Charge! The Medical Notebook Each time you go to a doctor’s appointment
What’s in it for You: the first thing the receptionist does is hand Wellness
you a clipboard and ask you to update your & Nutrition
My Medical Notebook keeps me Save time and effort - don’t have to try medical information. Do you have any new
organized and helps me advocate to remember everything each time you medications? Have you had any surgeries or No. 1
for my own health. have to give the information. issues since you’ve been there last? Do you have
I save myself time and effort One place to track appointments, plan any allergies? If you are new to the practice,
every time I use my medical for and record results from doctor the list of questions gets longer. List all the
medicines and supplements you take. Does your
notebook. visits, track your medications. family have any history of diseases? When did you have
Get more out of doctor visits because any surgeries or therapies? Having all this information recorded in one place, in a
Your Rights Over you go in knowing what you want to medical notebook, can make your life easier. It also gives the doctor a better view of
Your Health Information happen. your health issues.
You are participating in your own
Federal law gives you rights over What Goes Into a
your health information. health care rather than it just Medical Notebook?
happening to you. The Doctor Says...
You have the right to ask to see Basic contact information
and get a copy of your health What’s in it for your Doctor: My Health: Your Medical Notebook
records. Your doctor can see a complete 8 I’m looking at family patterns, Information about your current
picture of you - where you have been
The law sets rules and limits on your history, any accidents, health.
who can look at and receive your and where you are now. and where you are today. My Providers:
health information. Your doctor can make better Track basic information on
decisions with you. 8 I want to know your goal. your doctors, pharmacists, and
Information in your medical insurance providers.
record, conversations with your It saves your doctor time and gives 8 The more detail you give me, My Medicine:
doctors, information about billing you more time to address your real the better I can care for you. Track the medications and
is protected. medical issues. supplements you take, and those
8 I need to know a history of you’ve stopped taking.
medications that have not My Doctor’s Visits:
Disclaimer: worked for you in the past. Plan your visit before you go, and
Learnovation, LLC’s mission is to empower people to manage keep track of the results of each
©2017 Learnovation , LLC their health. This information is not intended as a substitute 8 Tell me about your risky visit.
All Rights Reserved. for professional medical advice, emergency treatment or formal first-aid training. Don’t use this information to behavior. It may make a My Wellness Plan:
diagnose or develop a treatment plan for a health problem or difference in your treatment.
disease without consulting a qualified health-care provider. Keep track of the things you’re
If you’re in a life-threatening or emergency medical situation, doing now to improve your health.
seek medical assistance immediately.