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Take Charge!                                            Assembling Your Health Team                                            Being healthy means having the energy to be    Wellness
                                                                                                                                       physically active and do the things you want
                                                              It’s said that Prevention is the best cure.                               in life. It’s also about keeping your mind,   & Nutrition
                                                              Manage your health with routine checkups
          ƒ I can educate myself about different foods and how   and scheduled screenings.                                              emotions, and spirit working well. Keeping   No. 13
          they affect my body.                                Primary Care Physician (PCP) – This                                        your body healthy involves eating the

          ƒ I can make better choices for my body and my      is the doctor who has the big picture for                                   right foods, getting enough sleep, and
                                                                                                                                           staying active. Instead of reacting to a
          health. I can choose to feel good.                  your health. Your PCP                                                        medical situation, you take charge of
                                                              knows all about you and
                                                              coordinates with other                                                        your health and plan routine checkups
       So what do we NEED? Maslow Knows…                      doctors. Have the results                                                     with your doctor, dentist, and eye care

       Staying healthy involves more than just your body. It’s   of any visits with other                                          professional. Making changes to your lifestyle
       about having a life that meets all your needs: physical,   doctors sent to your PCP.              such as losing weight or quitting smoking are important things you can do
       mental, emotional, and spiritual. The psychologist     An annual checkup gives                    prevent disease later in life. Learn to know your body… what feels normal,
       Abraham Maslow developed a hierarchy of needs shaped   you a chance to address                    and when something feels off. Having work that keeps you engaged and
                                                              any concerns with your
       like a pyramid. Our most basic needs form the supportive   PCP.  You can ask any questions, maintain   learning, supportive relationships with friends and family, and connections
       base of the pyramid.       These are the things we     any vaccinations and shots, and have a     with your community all contribute to good health.
       need most in our lives.      Once these are met, we    check of your blood pressure, weight, heart                                         Being Healthy is a Choice                    Staying Healthy
       begin to build the            next layer- feeling safe   and lungs.                               The Doctor Says...
       and secure. As we               continue to meet these   Dentist – Get your teeth cleaned and                                                  „ Heart disease, lung cancer,
       needs, we can                    move on to the next   checked 2 times a year.                                                                diabetes, arthritis, back and
       level, until                       we are living life,                                                                                        joint pain are all diseases
       doing what                           we like, making   Eye Doctor – Get your eyes checked every   8  You control your own health, so          you can help prevent by the
                                                              1-2 years.
       an                                     impact, being                                                 take responsibility                      choices you make today.
       creative,                                and living    For Women- Gynecologist or OBGYN – Get     8  Eat a balanced diet                       „ Staying at a healthy weight,
       up to                                     who we       a pap smear, cervical exam, breast exam,                                               stopping smoking, and
       truly                                       are.       discuss birth control or for pregnancy     8   Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of
                                                              issues– Women age 21-65 should get tested     water each day.                          exercising are choices that
                                                              every 3 years.                                                                         have been proven to
                                                                                                         8   Exercise every day
                                                                                                                                                     reduce the risk of many
                                                                                                         8   Stop smoking                            diseases.
                                                          Learnovation, LLC’s mission is to empower people to manage   8   Lose weight if your need to    „ Keep track of your own
                              ©2017 Learnovation , LLC    their health.  This information is not intended as a substitute     Protect your skin with   medical history-  the shots,
                                All Rights Reserved.      for professional medical advice, emergency treatment or   8
                            formal first-aid training. Don’t use this information to   sunscreen                       medications, and medical
                                                          diagnose or develop a treatment plan for a health problem or                               procedures you’ve had. Find
                                                          disease without consulting a qualified health-care provider.   8   Reduce your stress
                                                          If you’re in a life-threatening or emergency medical situation,                            out your family’s history of
                                                          seek medical assistance immediately.                                                       diseases.
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