Page 46 - Wellness-Nutrition-pamphlets-sample
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Take Charge! Self-Determination One in seven Americans has some type of
Individuals who are self- learning disability, according to the National Wellness
Know your strengths as well as your determined know their Institute of Health. It is even higher in some & Nutrition
weaknesses - “I can do this, I just strengths and weaknesses, at-risk populations, including people who are No. 12
do it differently.” can evaluate their work and imprisoned, in drug or alcohol rehab, returning
study environments, and are from active military service, or have other
“Sometimes I can create my own successful at making informed
rules and my own options.” decisions and solving problems family members already diagnosed with a
learning disability. This does not mean you are
Common Types that stand in the way of broken. Quite the opposite, it usually means
of Learning Disabilities achieving their goals. you have learned to compensate in other ways.
Know Yourself - The first step is to know There are usually hidden talents to tap. Many Americans are undiagnosed special
Learning Disabilities – People with learning yourself well.
disabilities possess average intelligence, needs learners. This pamphlet will overview different types of special needs in
or higher, but they often cannot understand Value Yourself - Accept responsibility for your successes learning and how to make the most of training and education.
what they see or hear or process information and your failures. Have the courage to find your way in
correctly. life.
Dyslexia – trouble understanding words, Plan Ahead - Look to the future and set goals. The Doctor Says...
sentences and paragraphs Act - Take risks. Skills such as listening, negotiating, and
Dyscalculia – difficult time grasping compromising are important at this stage. Special Needs Learners
math concepts
Dysgraphia – hard to form letters or Learn From Experiences - When your actions pay off and Never think of yourself as broken.
write within a defined space you get what you want, can you figure out what led you to 8
Auditory and Visual Processing success? When things don’t work out well, can you figure 8 Don’t let someone tell you what Change Your Attitude!
Disabilities – difficulty understanding out what you might have done differently? you cannot do.
language despite normal hearing and Environment - Recognize how you respond to challenges 8 Ask for the tools to do your job, If you have a learning disability,
vision. in different settings and how well you adapt to different rather than giving up and saying, chances are you also have:
Attention Disorders – Attention Deficit environments. “I can’t do it.”
Disorder (ADD) and Hyperactivity Disorder This self-knowledge can help you self-advocate for what Creative problem-solving ability
(ADHD) include not paying close attention to you need to be successful. 8 The better you organize ahead,
details, hyperactivity, being easily distracted, the less likely you are to get An outgoing personality
and making careless mistakes. from the National Center for Learning Disabilities confused, take too long, or act Strong compensatory skills
Disclaimer: Persistence in finishing a task
Learnovation, LLC’s mission is to empower people to manage 8 There are no rules that say you
©2017 Learnovation , LLC their health. This information is not intended as a substitute have to do it the same way Empathy for others.
All Rights Reserved. for professional medical advice, emergency treatment or everyone else does. Check the formal first-aid training. Don’t use this information to
diagnose or develop a treatment plan for a health problem or standards in advance.
disease without consulting a qualified health-care provider.
If you’re in a life-threatening or emergency medical situation,
seek medical assistance immediately.