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What’s the Impact? Drug Addiction is a Exercise - What Are The Consequences?
A Look at Marijuana: Serious Medical Condition Most people start taking drugs because they can’t cope with some part of their
Whether it is a prescribed medication or an lives. Using drugs provides a “good” feeling that helps them just get through
Marijuana is one of the most illegal substance, when you are addicted, the the day. In this exercise, identify the consequences of using drugs in your life.
common illegal drugs being effect is the same. Your body craves the drug If you haven’t used drugs, then look at this exercise as if you were talking to a
used today. Many people and you can’t stop using it without treatment. close friend or family member.
are introduced to this as a Most treatment for drug abuse involves a Using Drugs... The Consequences
harmless drug. They may then combination of medication and behavioral Having a positive drug test 1.
“graduate” to harder-core drugs. Take a look treatment. resulted in: 2.
at some of the effects on the body from using 3.
marijuana: Detoxification—The first step is detoxification,
Problems with memory and learning or withdrawal from the drug. Medicine is often By spending my money for 1.
used to help reduce the craving and prevent
Distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, relapse into drug use. Without follow-up drugs, I couldn’t buy: 2.
touch) 3.
treatment, individuals can easily lapse back
Trouble with thinking and problem-solving
into drug use.
Loss of coordination Missing work because I was 1.
Behavioral treatments— counseling to help
Increased heart rate people change or modify their attitudes and on drugs: 2.
Anxiety. behaviors related to drug abuse, and increase 3.
healthy life skills. This treatment can make
These effects are even greater when other medications more effective and help people stay Lying to my family about my 1.
drugs are mixed with marijuana; and users do in treatment longer. drug use: 2.
not always know what drugs are given to them. Research has shown that the length of time a 3.
The effects may be different depending on:
person participates in the addiction treatment
How strong the marijuana is process is a critical factor, typical treatment Using drugs causes me to 1.
What the user expects to happen duration includes: short-term treatment make bad choices: 2.
Where (the place) the drug is used programs for 28 days, or long-term treatment 3.
How it is taken centers for 6 months or longer.
The user’s experience The goal of treatment is to Using drugs affects my 1.
Whether the user is drinking alcohol or help the person maintain a health: 2.
using other drugs. lifestyle not dependent on