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Take Charge! Getting Support Everything in this discussion begins with you
Many treatment plans for alcohol abuse include weekly telling the truth about your emotions and Wellness
attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings. An feelings. If you drink to go numb, quiet down & Nutrition
With help I can overcome my need AA meeting is a group of recovering alcoholics who share your feelings or emotions, then you have a
for a drink– one day at a time. their experiences and encourage each other to resolve to problem with alcohol. This pamphlet will help No. 10
I can find support through stay sober. you look at the science, emotions and hope of
programs, family, and friends. The AA program has 12 Steps to helping people stay recovery. Everyone knows or has met a person
sober: recovering from alcohol addiction…be honest
1. I admit that the bottle has me down. with yourself. Learn the facts about healing
Can Alcoholism Be Cured? My life is a mess. from alcohol abuse one day at a time.
No. Even if an alcoholic hasn’t been 2. I believe there is help.
drinking for a long time, he or she can 3. I let a Higher Power take over.
still suffer a relapse. To guard against 4. I need to take a good look at my life. The Doctor Says... Symptoms of
a relapse, an alcoholic must continue to 5. I admit all I did wrong. Alcohol Abuse
avoid all alcoholic beverages. Only alcohol
6. I make a list of my character defects. makes you feel
Support for Family and Friends 7. I ask my Higher Power to remove defects. 8 Avoid alcohol …find support self-confident
8. I ask: Who did I hurt? How can I fix it? from Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and at ease with Alcohol Abuse
Al-Anon is an
organization to help 9. I try to fix things if I can. or others who have the same other people.
family members, 10. I check up on myself. I am honest and admit problem. You want just one more drink at
spouses, children, when I’m wrong. 8 Know the warning signs of the end of a party.
and friends of 11. I ask a Higher Power for help to live the right alcohol abuse in yourself and You get drunk when you didn’t
alcoholics. It is designed to help them way. others. plan to.
cope with their feelings and issues 12. I live by these steps and get better. I try to help You try to control your drinking by
related to knowing and living with an 8 Whether a lot of alcohol in a changing types of liquor.
alcoholic. For more information visit other alcoholics. little time or a steady amount of from The 12 Steps Illustrated ©1991 - Alcoholics Anonymous alcohol over time—it is toxic to You promise yourself not to drink.
an alcoholic. You drink alone, sneak drinks,
8 Know your emotional triggers to hide bottles, or lie about
Disclaimer: avoid needing a drink. drinking.
Learnovation, LLC’s mission is to empower people to manage
©2017 Learnovation , LLC their health. This information is not intended as a substitute 8 Know who your enablers are and You drink at work or school.
All Rights Reserved. for professional medical advice, emergency treatment or formal first-aid training. Don’t use this information to stay away from them. You drink in the morning to
diagnose or develop a treatment plan for a health problem or relieve hangovers and guilty
disease without consulting a qualified health-care provider.
If you’re in a life-threatening or emergency medical situation, feelings.
seek medical assistance immediately.