Page 47 - Wellness-Nutrition-pamphlets-sample
P. 47
Unidentified Special Ways to Handle a Learning Disability Exercise - What Are Your Coping Strategies?
Needs Learners Have a good understanding of your strengths as People with special learning needs have found ways to cope and adapt to their environment. In this exercise,
Is it hard for you to well as your challenges. identify a challenge you have related to the task area, and list your current strategy for dealing with the
read and remember Identify how your disability affects your behavior problem. Then list a new strategy you
could try.
what you read? and your ability to communicate.
Do you have a hard Recognize that learning disabilities could I learn best by:
time writing down key ideas or interfere with many aspects of everyday life. ___Listening to how it’s done ___Trying something myself
notes from a conversation? Recognize that some tasks might take you longer ___Reading about it ___Watching someone do it
Do you need help remembering to do than they take other people.
what you hear? Be as self-reliant as possible. Task My Challenge My Strategies
Do you have trouble adding up a Explain to your employer any special Reading Current:
series of numbers or calculating accommodations you might need to do well.
the change owed back from giving New:
cash in the store? • You might ask for written directions instead
of verbal, or having directions given one at a Writing Current:
Do you have trouble focusing time.
and sitting still? New:
• Use computer software, cheat sheets for doing
Do you get easily distracted? a job, audio recorders, or voice-activated aids.
Is it physically hard to endure? Agree to tradeoff tasks with someone else so Time Current:
If you answered yes to one or more you handle those you can comfortably do. Your New:
of these questions, there are some strength may be someone else’s weakness.
strategies which can make your life Practice good, clear, open communication. Be Organization Current:
easier when learning in school and direct and specific about your needs. Ask for what
training on the job. you need. New:
Talking with Current:
For people with reading challenges: For people with focus and other People
Use audio books and videos organization challenges: New:
Have material read by a reader Have a quiet work area Math Current:
Use computer programs that read Have an uncluttered workspace
documents Use a special calendar to track appointments New:
Allow for extra time for reading tasks