Page 21 - Terri 60 years
P. 21

erri has been the best      sad times, fun and laughter.       shop and talk, be with family
                      friend and sister in law    We have laughed together,          and talk. We have the love
                T     to me since the fi rst      cried together and prayed          of Life and our spiritual faith
                time I met her. Terri and I       together, and for all of this I    in common. She is a good
                are spiritual sisters. I am       am grateful.                       dancer, and smiles often,
                honoured to know her and          Peter and I have been              she is tremendously fi t and
                blessed to have her in my life.   blessed with our lovely TERRI      is always on the go - she
                xxx                               as we have spent all our           is a wonderful role model
                When Terri asked me to be         high days and holidays with        for me. I have learned an
                Gemma’s Godmother 22              her and Bruce and family.          incredible amount from her
                years ago, I cried with joy,      We have been with them in          throughout the years. She
                and it has been one of my         England, and Ohio, Mexico,         has always made every single
                favourite roles in my life. I     Florida, Toronto and we have       one of my family welcome
                cried again when Terri gave       captured magical moments           and has shown her trademark
                me the honour of reading at       and have lots of photos that I     unconditional kindness to
                her beloved father’s funeral.     could make up an album that        them all. THANK YOU, Terri.
                She has always made sure          could reach from here to the       We greatly appreciate Terri’s
                that I was invited to be with     moon. Peter and I loved her        exceptional hospitality and
                Mrs. Tinella any time of the      mom and dad, and will never        love in opening her beautiful
                year. Terri knew her mom was      forget them and we love            house to us to stay whenever
                like a second mother to me,       being part of her family.          we needed a bed in the city
                and thankfully Terri did not      Peter loves that he has an         or in transition on our travels.
                mind sharing her with me.         astute and knowledgeable           We have enjoyed how you
                My life in Canada has been        gardening partner in Terri,        have made all our memories
                connected to Terri in many        a kindred spirit with green        more special for us by being
                wonderful and special ways        thumbs and they are both           in your company. Thank
                and I would not have had it       happy when discussing plants       you for always being there
                any other way.                    and fl owers.                      for Peter and I and for your
                Family occasions whether          Terri is creative, takes the       pure unconditional love and
                big or small have always          best photographs, sends the        respect to us.
                been special as Terri has         most appropriate cards, just       God bless you Terri, you are
                that special magic of making      when you need them. She            always in my prayers and
                them so. From the cruet           gives the very best of great       you are one of our favourite
                set on the perfectly placed       presents that you did not          people, and you will continue
                dinner table to the succulent     know your heart really desired     to be so. Thank you for
                food she makes and the            until you unwrap them. She         EVERYTHING. Your loving
                love and respect she gives        is kind, considerate and           sister and brother in law and
                to all of her guests. Terri       compassionate often giving         friends.
                loves Life itself and is an       me bags of her clothes and         XXX
                excellent cook whether at         shoes for me to share with
                home in her beautiful abode       women less fortunate than          MARIA DUNCALF-BARBER
                or the cottage – the food         ourselves.                         PETER BARBER       XXX
                is always fi rst class – Italian
                or otherwise. We have had         Terri and I walk and talk,

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