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Interactive Multimedia Development on Fluid Concept and its
Implementation through Discovery Learning Model to Improve
Student Problem Solving Ability
Khumairah Khumairah, Gunawan Gunawan and Nyoman Sridana
University of Mataram, Mataram, Indonesia,
Keywords: Playmate, Family, Predator.
Abstract: This study aims to develop interactive multimedia, to know the response of students toward interactive
multimedia which being developed, and to know the improvement of problem solving skills after using
interactive multimedia. The subjects of this study are students of class XI SMAN 3 Mataram, amount 42
students. This research is including literature study stage and data collection, planning, developing the initial
product, conducting limited trials and revising the initial product. Methods of data collection were done by
interactive multimedia validation sheet, student response questionnaire to interactive multimedia, and pre-test
post-test problem solving skills. Data analysis was performed by calculating the percentage of product
feasibility and n-gain score calculation. The results obtained as follows: According to expert, interactive
multimedia which developed by researchers is in categories worthy of use, students' responses to the
multimedia developed are in the category: very feasible to use. The problem solving ability of the static fluid
concept was significantly improved with n-gain score of 0.34 in the medium category, while the problem
solving ability of the dynamic fluid concept also increased with n-gain score of 0.38 in the medium category.
1 INTRODUCTION Alorain (2012) After obtaining pre-test results and
post-test of academic achievement of the control class
Physics is a branch of science that studies the events and experimental class, the positive impact of the use
of nature includes all the causes and effects on human of multimedia in learning obtained better scientific
life. Science always develop along with the progress academic achievement data from the experimental
of science and technology. In learning physics needed group compared with the results of the control group,
innovation to explain the events that occur in life and using multimedia in education is an effective means
its relationship with the concept of physics in order to of achieving better learning.
provide a real understanding of students. Multimedia has been widely used in physics
In fact, physics lessons include as a difficult teaching. The use of multimedia is interested along
lesson by some students, it contains abstract and with the development of information and
concrete concepts also mathematical principles which communication technology (ICT) today. Several
make students more confuse. Based on the studies have demonstrated the benefits of multimedia
observation the teacher in SMAN 3 Mataram, lack of in learning. Based on research (Evan and Nicola
learning innovation by teachers in teaching and 2006; Mayer, 2001; Johnson and Mayer, 2009)
learning process, is one of the problems in learning multimedia can improve learning outcomes. In
physics. Teachers often use monotonous learning particular, Teoh and Tse-Kian (2007) found that
strategies. In teaching physics concepts, teachers interactive learning using web environments is a
must be use the learning model and design which viable alternative to traditional classrooms that have
innovative. been proven in achieving the needs of students for the
Based on the cases above, teachers need to do a context of modern learning. Data shows students are
construction of learning as an effort to improve active and confident in learning. This is a viable
students’ learning conditions. The use of multimedia learning strategy and should be encouraged by
in learning process can be one solution, according to educators.
Khumairah, K., Gunawan, G. and Sridana, N.
Interactive Multimedia Development on Fluid Concept and its Implementation through Discovery Learning Model to Improve Student Problem Solving Ability.
In Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Education Symposium (AES 2017), pages 433-438
ISBN: 978-989-758-331-5
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