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AES 2017 - 2nd Asian Education Symposium
Table 3: Data Result of Product Validation fluid static Table 5: Students’ response questionnaire to limited trials.
Aspect Total score Average score
N Concept Validator total score Total Average Interest 61 4.35
sub A1 A2 A3 A4 score score Ease of operation 126 4.49
1 Hydrostatic 71 66 70 70 277 15.38 Growing passion for
pressure learning 120 4.28
2 Pascal law 68 67 69 69 274 15.22 Animation, video and
3 Archimides 71 66 69 69 277 15.38 90 4.28
law image clarity
4 Surface 71 68 70 70 282 15.66 Language and size 61 4.35
tension font clarity
5 Capillarity 72 68 72 71 283 15.72 Average score 4.35
Total score 77.38 Feasibility percentage 87.00%
Average score 4.29 Criteria Very Feasible to be Used
Feasibility percentage 85.8%
Criteria: Very Feasible to be Used
3.3 Results of Student Responses to
Table 4: Data Result of Product Validation fluid dynamics Field Test
The field trials were conducted to students at XI-IPA
N Concept Validator total score Total Average 6 as samples taken based on cluster random sampling
sub A1 A2 A3 A4 score score
1 Continuity 71 67 67 69 274 15.22 technique at SMAN 3 Mataram consisting of 42
law students. After students learn by using interactive
2 Bernoulli 70 67 72 73 282 15.66 multimedia, students then given a response
Law questionnaire to provide an assessment of interactive
3 Torricelli 68 70 69 70 277 15.38
law multimedia. The result of student's response shows
4 Lift force 70 67 68 69 274 15.22 the feasibility percentage of 86,8% with criterion very
5 Venturi 70 66 71 69 276 15.33 feasible to be used.
Total score 79.11 Table 6: Students’ response questionnaire to limited trials.
Average score 4.39
Feasibility percentage 87.8% Aspect Total score Average score
Criteria: Very Feasible to be Used Product suitability
with curriculum 17 4.25
Validation results obtained showed that Content presentation 36 4.50
interactive multimedia on the concept of static fluid Growing passion for
obtained 85.8% percentage with the category is very learning 33 4.12
feasible to use, while for the concept of dynamic fluid Animation, video and 26 4.33
get a score of 87.8% with criteria very feasible to use. image clarity
Overall it can be stated that interactive multimedia is Language and size 10 4.50
very feasible to be used for high school physics font clarity
learning fluid material. Average score 4.34
Feasibility percentage 86.8%
Criteria Very Feasible to be Used
3.2 Results of Student Responses to
Limited Trials
3.4 Students Problem-Solving Test
The limited trials were conducted to students in class
XII-IPA5 in SMAN 3 Mataram which consists of 9 The results of physics problem-solving evaluation
students who have studied the concept of fluid. After were obtained through the provision of pre-test and
students learn by using interactive multimedia, post-test on 42 students who became the research
students then given a response questionnaire to samples. Because the concept of fluid consists of two
provide an assessment of interactive multimedia. The sub-concepts, the concept of static fluid and dynamic
result of the student's response shows the feasibility fluid, the implementation of pre-test and post-test
percentage 87,00% with the criteria worthy to be done twice. Data of pre-test and post-test result of
used. students on the concept of static fluid can be
presented in the Figure 1.