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AES 2017 - 2nd Asian Education Symposium

                   The  use  of  multimedia  in  learning  will  run   instruments to measure thinking ability and problem-
                optimally if it is integrated in the learning model in   solving skills among elementary school students are
                accordance  with  the  characteristics  of  multimedia.   limited.
                Using  interactive  multimedia  which  hoped  can  be   This  is  consistent  with  Al-khatib  (2012)  which
                help  to  increase  problem  solving  skill  more   states  the  interest  of  problem-solving  skills  in
                effectively. One use of learning models in Klegeris   response  to  international  trends  in  developing
                research (2011) found that the PBL methodology may   creative  thinking  skills,  the  importance  of  helping
                have  a  positive  effect  on  student  problem-solving   individuals  to  cooperate  with  international  change
                skills  or  at  least  interfere  with  the  development  of   and the revolution in technology and communications
                these  skills  during  the  combined  PBL  /  didactic   as well as interactions in the era of globalization.
                lecture approach used.                            Measurement  of  problem  solving  ability
                   To support this research one of the suitable model   especially in physics learning is important to develop
                used  is  discovery  learning  model.  This  discovery   students 'thinking stages as a benchmark of teachers'
                learning  model  can  provide  an  opportunity  for   ability  in  teaching.  If  the  student  has  been  able  to
                students to organize their learning activities to help   solve  the  problems  well  in  accordance  with
                students  understand  the  concept  of  the  lesson   predetermined troubleshooting  indicators, it will  be
                independently. Chenery (2005) and Kirschner et al.,   easy  for  students  to  solve  problems  related  to
                (2004) states that the principle of Discovery learning   complicated concepts. The ease of students in solving
                is  similar  to  the  principle  of  inquiry  and  problem   problems  will  be  a  determinant  factor  of  student
                solving,  but  Discovery  Learning  emphasizes  the   success in understanding the basic concepts in depth.
                discovery  of  previously  unknown  concepts  and   So  in  the  measurement  of  this  problem-solving
                problems  faced  by  students  is  reconstructed  by   ability, should be used appropriate learning strategy
                teachers.  Through  the  discovery  learning  model   accordance  with  the  level  of  complexity  of  the
                students are expected to have better problem-solving   problem.
                skills.                                           The  use  of  interactive  multimedia  which  is
                   Serin  (2009)  states  that  problem  solving  is  a   integrated in the discovery learning model is expected
                complex  process  of  cognitive,  audition,  and   to  measure  student  problem  solving  abilities.
                behavioral activities. Problem solving can only begin   Problem-solving  ability  becomes  the  benchmark  of
                when the individual understands that one has to react   student's  success  in  learning.  Polya  (1985),  defines
                on  several  levels.  The  goal  is  the  solution.  On  the   problem solving as an attempt to find a way out of one
                other hand,  in real-life personal problem solving is   difficulty  to  achieve  a  goal  that  is  not  so  easy  to
                described to direct cognitive and emotional processes,   achieve.  Bransford  and  Stein  (1993),  introduced  a
                known  as  behavior  reactions,  in  order  to  give   problem-solving  theory  called  IDEAL  with
                hormones to excite desires or invitations.     abbreviations  I-Problem  identification,  D-Define
                   Meanwhile, according to Yavuz (2010), problem-  objectives,  E-Browse  possible  strategies,  A-
                solving  ability  is  the  most  needed  skills  for  the   Anticipate results and act, L-Look back and learn.
                maintenance of the human generation. The goals of   The  use  of  interactive  multimedia  integrated
                contemporary education increase the individual who   discovery  learning  model  is  expected  to  improve
                can  overcome  the  difficulty  itself  because  it  is   student  learning  outcomes,  especially  in  terms  of
                impossible to know what complications we will face   solving problems. Through  learning conditions that
                or  what  conditions  will  arise  in  the  life  of  the   enable  teachers  to  streamline  learning  activities  in
                community. The information itself cannot solve the   accordance  with  learning  objectives.  Teachers  as
                problem.  A  person  with  evolving  problem-solving   subjects  can  develop  an  effective  learning
                abilities  can  utilize  information  effectively.  And   environment  so  as  to  improve  problem-solving
                people without these skills only carry this information   abilities as expected. This is in accordance with the
                   Ngang  et  al.  (2014)  states  in  the  new  era  of   opinion of Liaw (2007) which states one of the critical
                information technology, the ability to think and solve   factors  that  use  e-learning  is  improving  learning
                problems  is  very  important  for  students  to  master   performance. The results of this study offer the view
                world-class  knowledge  and  contribute  to  the   that an effective e-learning environment is influenced
                development  of  modern  and  progressive  society.   by learners' self-learning, multimedia instruction, and
                Thinking and problem solving skills are combined in   teacher-led  learning.  This  means  that  an  effective
                learning outcomes to enable learners to solve simple   learning  environment,  including  problem-solving
                problems,  make  decisions  and  express  themselves   skills and high-level thinking skills, is influenced by
                creatively.  Studies  related  to  the  development  of

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