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younger brother was dispatched to go to    Brawijaya went to investigate the truth            became the subjects of Demak. Then     the Hindu-Buddhist kings through Islamic
                                   his elder brother in Bintara to demand     of the report and he was shocked to                the saints held a meeting and decided   Demak and subsequently Mataram. The
                                   an explanation for why he had not come     see that Raden Patah was already                   to build a mosque in Demak for which   Serat Centini uses the genealogical
                                   to pay his respects to his father. Having   sitting in the pavilion facing thousands          the tasks were divided over all the saints   sequence of the Javanese kings to
                                   having arrived in Bintara, Adipati Terung   of his soldiers who had gathered in               after which they set out to work. When   present a mythological explanation of
                                   was told that religious restrictions did   the town square. Brawijaya knew                    the time came to set up the main pillars   ---and to solve--- the historical problems
                                   not allow Muslims to serve a pagan king.   that he was not going to survive a                 of the mosque, Sunan Kalijaga had      of the changes that took place along the
                                   It was predestined that Bintara would      battle and so he and the entire royal              not yet made his pillar because he was   Islamization process. This is particularly
                                   become a kingdom, and the beginning of     family and the leaders of the palace               meditating in Pamantingan. When Sunan   significant for the Javanese who
                                   Javanese Muslim rule.                      left. Simultaneously, a large star-like            Kalijaga arrived in Demak, the mosque   stress the continuity of the old culture.
                                      Adipati Terung understood his           object emerged from the palace,                    was almost finished but for the one pillar   Therefore, what appears in the text as
                                      brother’s position, but he lacked       bright like lightning and with a loud              that had yet to be made. Sunan Kalijaga   later developments is to be accepted as
                                      the courage to return to King           bang it fell down on Bintara.                      rushed to collect the wooden leftovers   “historical facts”.
                                      Brawijaya without bringing Raden     Adipati Bintara entered the palace. He                from the production of the other pillars   Furthermore, this Islamization process
                                      Patah along. A large meeting was     gasped and wept because he found                      and he secured them together so that the   is also recorded in the Hikayat Banjar
                                      held in preparation for the attack on   nobody inside. He then returned with his           last pillar was also ready and could be put   in which is told that when King Tunggal
                                      Majapahit, for which many rulers     guards and his troops to Bintara. Arriving            in place. In the morning, the mosque was   Meteng of Majapahit, and his chief
                                      arrived, like the regent of Madura,   in Bintara, Sunan Ampel Denta said                   finished on the first day of Dulkangidah in   governor Gajah Mada, controlled Java a
                                      Arya Teja, the regents of Cirebon and   that Raden Patah had become the King               1428 of the Javanese year.             number of kingdoms outside Java yielded
                                      Surapringga, and the Pandita Priest   of Majapahit as it was his inheritance.              A similar discussion of the Islamization   to his authority. Among Majapahit’s
                                      of Giri who all arrived in Bintara with   However, Sunan Giri said he would                process of Java is also presented in the   vassal kingdoms in that period were
                                      their armies. The Muslim saints and   act as king in the ancient palace of                 Javanese text, Serat Centini. The text   Palembang, Jambi, Bugis, Makassar,
                                      the Muslim citizens also assembled.   Majapahit for only 40 days. He had put               is often referred to as the “encyclopedia   Johor, Patani, Pahang, Minangkabau,
                                      When they were ready, they all set   various spells on the palace in advance               of Javanese culture” and contains      Pasai, and others. After King Tunggal
                                      out for Majapahit. Because the army   so that nothing of the pagan kingdom                 much information on the early history   Meteng and Gajah Mada had died, the
                                      was so big, the people of Majapahit   would remain. After 40 days, the palace              of Islam in Java. Like the Babad Tanah   king’s youngest son, Dipati Mahanguruk
                                      did not dare to fight. The Bintara army   was carried to Bintara where Raden               Jawi, the Serat Centini emphasizes that   and Mahurdara replaced them. This
                                      entered the town square and Adipati   Patah was crowned King of Demak                      the change in and the transition of the   succession marked the beginning of
                                      Bintara and the Adipati Terung sat on   from where he ruled over the whole                 Javanese kingdoms came about through   Majapahit’s decline.
                                      a throne in the royal pavilion facing   island of Java under the name Senopati             an uninterrupted line of succession from
                                      their armies. Gajah Mada warned      Jimbun Ngabdur Rahman Panembahan                                                             In order to forge an alliance, the King of
                                      King Brawijaya that the Bintara army   Palembang Sayidin Panatagama. All the               16.  Derived from the Babad Tanah Jawi translation   Majapahit intended to marry the daughter
                                                                                                                                 made by H.R. Sumarsono published by Narasi,
                                      had arrived. After hearing this, King   Javanese then embraced Islam and they              Yogyakarta, 2007.                      17.  Ras, Hikajat Bandjar ... 1968.

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