P. 77
of the Sultan of Pasai, but the Muslim intervene as he had given permission to Bungsu to help him to spread Islam. found in the Babad Arung Bondhan.
Sultan vacillated because the King of conduct missionary activities. After some time the Jipang officer From this we may presume that the
Majapahit was a pagan. However, had Soon after, Raja Bungsu of Ampel proposed to Raja Bungsu to marry story in the Hikayat Banjar also refers
he refused the king’s request, Majapahit Gedang had become famous and his youngest daughter. The latter to a Javanese traditional historiographic
would have annexed Pasai by force. Ampel Gedang had become a sacred agreed and he told the officer that he works like the Babad Arung Bondhan,
Therefore, the Sultan agreed and the place. People from all over visited himself would officiate at the wedding Babad Tanah Jawi, Serat Damarwulan,
King of Majapahit married the Sultan’s Ampel Gedang to embrace Islam and ceremony because, according to Islamic and Babad Demak.
daughter. After some time, the Sultan to become Raja Bungsu’s disciples and law, a father had the right to marry The Babad Arung Bondhan, more
longed for his daughter and he wanted to followers. Because of the great ruler of off his daughter. Later on, the Jipang explicitly states the names of the figures
know how she was and thus the Sultan Ampel Gedang’s fame, a high-ranking officer was appointed as the panghulu that are also mentioned in the Hikayat
dispatched his youngest son, Raja official from a country called Jipang (headman) of Ampel because of his Banjar. In the chronicle, the Sultan of
Bungsu to pay a visit to the princess of also wanted to pay him a visit. One day, vast knowledge and his ability to carry Pasai is also called King of Cempa,
Pasai in Majapahit. out panghulu duties. It is told that when
the officer from Jipang and a number the King of Majapahit who marries
Arriving in Majapahit, the King welcomed of his bodyguards disdainfully headed the pangulu from Jipang was in Ampel the daughter of Sultan Pasai is called
Raja Bungsu with great dignity and after to Ampel Gedang. When he entered Gedang the region developed rapidly Angkawidjaja, the daughter of Sultan
a prolonged stay in Majapahit, Raja the palace and met Raja Bungsu, into a center of Islamic dakwah, while Pasai’s name is Dwarawati, and the son
Bungsu desired to return home to Pasai the Jipang officer was overwhelmed surrounding communities had also of the Sultan of Pasai, Raja Bungsu,
to tell his father, Sultan Pasai, that his by Raja Bungsu’s clean and radiant become Muslims. is also called Sayit Rahmat. In the
daughter was fine. However, because face. Immediately he knelt before Raja The Babad Arung Bondhan is a chronicle, two sons of the King of Cempa
the Princess of Pasai did not want her Bungsu and asked to be pardoned for Javanese traditional historiography are sent to Majapahit, namely Sayit
brother to go, the King of Majapahit his disrespect. He then asked Raja that covers the history of Java from the Rahmat and Jenal Kabir. However, Jenal
prevented Raja Bungsu from returning to Bungsu to accept him for conversion time when Java was still empty, through Kabir never arrived there because he
Pasai and rather suggested him to stay in to Islam. He also asked permission to the Hindu-Buddhist period up to the stopped in Garage while Sayit Rahmat,
Majapahit. The King invited Raja Bungsu remain in Ampel for a few days to study establishment of Demak as the first before reaching Majapahit, stopped in
to choose where he wanted to stay in Islam with Raja Bungsu. It is said that Islamic kingdom. The story is largely Tajuk (Kudus) where he married Nyai
Majapahit and he chose Ampel Gedang in a very short time, he mastered the the story of the ruling figures. The initial Lara Nguyun, the daughter of Ki Nuraga.
where, assisted by five bodyguards, he most important knowledge needed to arrival of Islam as told in the Hikayat However, when his wife was three
built a village. He began to preach and practice Islam, such as how to make Banjar as mentioned above is also months pregnant, Sayit continued his
Ampel Gedang became a Muslim village. ablutions, pray, and fast as regulated in 18. See Muhamad Hisyam, Caught Between Three journey to Majapahit, leaving his wife
After some time, people from around Islamic law. He then returned to Jipang, Fires, INIS, Jakarta, 2001, p. 11-12. behind in Kudus. Arriving in Majapahit,
Ampel Gedang also converted to Islam. and in a short time he had become a 19. Titik Pudjiastuti, Babad Arung Bondhan, Dwarawati who had become one of
The King of Majapahit was aware of Muslim leader with many followers. He Javanese Local Historiography, Text Edition and the King of Majapahit’s consorts was
Commentary, ILCAA, Tokyo University of Foreign
what was taking places, but he did not maintained good relations with Raja Studies, Tokyo 2008. delighted to see her nephew.
68 Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives 69