P. 80
In the chronicle, Sayit Rahmad does Besides, the Babad Cirebon also who suffered from an incurable disease or Preanger). According to the Babad
not feature as Dwarawati’s brother, but explains that Cakrabhumi---then but she was cured when Molana Usalam Godok, Kian-Santang had several other
as her nephew. Dwarawati asked her known as Cakrabhuwana--- made the gave her a betel nut to chew after which names like Gagak Lumayung, Garantang
husband (the King of Majapahit) to give pilgrimage to Mecca with his sister, she married him. However, when Molana Sentra, Pangeran Gagak Lumiring,
Sayit a piece of land and he gave him Rara Santang who married the Sultan asked the ruler of Balambangan to Sunan Rahmat, and Sunan Bidayah. He
Ampel Denta. Sayid married the daughter of Egypt and gave him a son called embrace Islam, he refused. Therefore, was the son of King Pajajaran Sewu.
of Tumenggung Wilatikta, but it is unclear Sheikh Sharif. Sheikh Sharif or Syarif Molana Usalam left Balambangan Kian Santang converted to Islam and
whether this is the same person as the Hidayatullah succeeded his uncle, with his wife, who was pregnant at the settled in Godog, Karangpawitan, Garut.
Jipang officer in the Hikayat Banjar. Sayit Cakrabhumi as the ruler of Cirebon time. When the princess gave birth to Before converting to Islam, he first went
Rahmad arrived in Java in 1302 of the in about 1479 A.D. and he set up his a baby boy, he was put in a coffin and to Arabia. There are several versions
Javanese calendar which corresponds to government in Lemah Wungkuk. He built thrown into the sea. The coffin ultimately of the tale of how Kian Santang spread
1380 A.D. During Sayit Rahmat’s golden a palace named Pakungwati, which later stranded in Gresik, where the baby grew Islam. Among them is told that Prabu
era, the British attacked Majapahit, but became the permanent residence of the up to become a Muslim, and later the first Kian Santang mastered his magical
the enemy was sent back. Around that kings of Cirebon. 20 Sunan of Giri. 21 powers under Sayyidina Ali and he had
time scholars from Arabia also arrived been unable to pull out a stick Ali had
and they settled in Ampel, strengthening The Islamization process is also In addition to the historiographic works stuck in the ground until he had recited
the Islamic dakwah previously organized summarized in the Sejarah Banten discussed above, the Islamization process the shahadah. He returned to Pajajaran
by Sayit Rahmat. The King of Majapahit, (History of Banten), a Javanese text with in Java is also recorded in the Babad in 1445 after which he used the name
Godok (Chronicle of Godok), an old
Brawijaya was aware of the situation but stories of Islamic conversion. For this text that has been handed down from Haji Lumajang and started to spread
he did nothing. study we focus in the Sejarah Banten on generation to generation in the village Islam in Batulayang, Lebak Agung, Lebak
stories related to Sunan Giri’s origins.
Meanwhile, the Islamization process of Cangkuang, Garut, West Java. It tells Wangi, Curug Fogdog, Curug Sempur,
is also recorded in the Babad Cirebon According to this work, there was a the story of Kian Santang who spread Padusunan, Karang Serang, Cilageni,
(Chronicle of Cirebon) that mentions a foreign holy man named Molana Usalam Islam in Java and who, according to oral Dayeuh Handap, Dayeuh Manggung,
marriage between Sunan Gunung Jati who arrived in Balambangan, East Java, tradition, was suspected of being the Cimalati, Cisieur, Cikupa, Cikaso, Pagaden,
and Princess Kawung Anten that might which was an area that only embraced son of Prabu Sri Baduga Maharaja alias Haur Panggung, Cilolohan, Warung
have been inspired by religious, apart Islam at the end of the 18th century. The Prabu Siliwangi, the last king of Pajajaran. Manuk, Kadeunghalang, and Cihaurbeuti.
from economic, motives. Furthermore, ruler of Balambangan had a daughter Originating from Cirebon (Sindangkasih, He died in Godog, Karangpawitan, Garut
it is also clear that in Gunung Jati 20. J.L.A. Brandes and D.A. Rinkes, Babad Majalengka), Kian Santang was very and was buried there. 22
(about 5 km north of the city of Cirebon) Tjerbon. VBG. DI. LIX, 1911: 93;) see also, Uka famous and a legend in the eyes of the 22. The Babad Godog is also known as ‘Wawacan
Tjandrasasmita, “The Introduction of Islam and the
a pesantren (an Islamic boarding Growth of Moslem Coastal Cities in the Indonesian Sundanese, especially of those who Prabu Kian Santang Aji’. It is a 71-page long text
school) had been established under the Archipelago” in Haryati Soebadio & Carine A. Du live in the Pasundan area (the Priangan that used to belong to Encon. It is in the form of a
leadership of Sheikh Datu Kahfi located Marchie Sarvaas, Dynamic of Indonesian History, 21. Ricklefs, A History of Modern Indonesia,... poem (tembang macapat), written on dluwang (tree
bark) paper and preserved in Cakuang, Lelesan,
(New York, Oxford: North-Holland Publishing
near the village of Pasambangan. Company Amsterdam, 1978), p.150. p.10. Garut.
70 Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives Indonesian Islamic Culture in Historical Perspectives 71