Page 24 - Flying Physician Magazine Issue 1-2018
P. 24
cohol rule regarding drugs, including
all ED drugs. Be aware of the predatory
“neutraceutical” industry which ped-
als hundreds of different unregulated
treatments for ED. Thanks to research
by Dr. Brantley Scott, urologists know C
vacuum pumps work, injections work,
and implantation of semi-flexible rods
work. H
andrew skattum,
do, presented the a
concept of training
everybody in how n
to “Stop the Bleed”
and improve rates g
of survival. This
movement began i
with cooperation of various medical
groups and the federal government n
in response to increased violence in
the nation. He emphasized the use of
tourniquet, something every doctor g
should have, as a first treatment in
stopping bleeding in a victim of ac-
cident, shooting, cuts, car wrecks, or
other incidents wherever they occur. o
Skattum led a hands-on training semi-
nar afterward, certifying the attendees F
as instructors in “Stop the Bleed”.
gary s. brown,
dvm, encouraged
physician aware-
ness of zoonotic t
entities and involv-
ing the veterinarian H
with their patient
care. Many diseas- e
es pass from humans to animals and
vice versa. It is helpful to know that
lice are host-specific when trying to
determine the source of lice on the g
human. Physicians and veterinarians
should communicate freely regard- u
ing diseases such as ringworm, para-
sites, worms, rabies, West Nile virus,
anthrax, botulism, plague, tularemia, a
and viral fevers and many other dis-
eases. r
david tingler, md,
noted that treat- d
ment options for
atrial fibrillation are
expanding rapidly.
Diagnosis is diffi-
cult, but the CHADS
24 The Flying Physician vol. 61 - Issue 1 2018