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nal works of Western art. The best-known   The Monnig Meteorite Gallery -- show-  ident  Franklin  D.  Roosevelt,  Bob  Hope,
     galleries  are  known  internationally  for   cases  meteorites  of  many  descriptions.   Gene Autrey, war hero J.D. Doolittle, lords
     their  collections  and  showcase  pieces  by   Located on the TCU campus near the Cul-  and ladies of London, sports figures and
     Frederic Remington and Charles M. Russell   tural District.                 more. The new Fort Worth Club became
     as  well  as  lesser-known  American  artists                               the social epicenter of Fort Worth.
     who captured the spirit of the new frontier.  ENTERTAINMENT
                                               Bass Performance Hall, a quick walk   Saturday, June 1, 2019
     MUSEUMS                               from the Hilton Hotel, is the crown jewel   Afternoon   Sign-in and Registration
     Sid W. Richardson Museum –One of the   of a city which boasts the nation’s third       CME Session I
     finest  and  most  focused  collections  of   largest cultural district. It is also an im-     RFS Meeting Orientation
     Western art in America. Located in His-  portant symbol of one of the most suc-        Session
     toric Sundance Square.                cessful downtown revitalization efforts in   6:00 pm   Depart hotel to
                                           the country.                                     Weatherford, TX
     The Amon Carter Museum of American        Built entirely with private funds, Bass      Welcome Reception at home
     Art – free admission. Housed in a Philip                                               of Mark and Sarah Eidson
     Johnson  designed  building.  Located  in                                   Sunday, June 2, 2019
     the Cultural District.                                                      Morning    CME Session II
     The Kimball Art Museum – Classical col-                                     Afternoon  Optional Group Tour
     lection.  Free  admission.  Located  in  Cul-                               Evening    Optional Group Dinner
     tural District.                                                                        and Show, Bass Hall
                                                                                 Monday, June 3, 2019
                                                                                 Morning    CME Session III
                                                                                 Afternoon  Optional Luncheon and
                                                                                            Stockyards Visit
                                           Performance Hall is permanent home to   6:00 pm   “Stump the IA” Session
                                           the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, Tex-          with Mike Busch
                                           as Ballet Theater, Fort Worth Opera, and   Tuesday, June 4, 2019
                                           the Van Cliburn International Piano Com-  Morning   CME Session IV
                                           petition and Cliburn Concerts.        Afternoon  Optional Luncheon and
                                                                                 Group Tour
     The  Modern  Art  Museum --focuses on   TENTATIVE MEETING SCHEDULE          6:00 pm    Awards Celebration
     art  created  after  World  War  II  and  in-  Friday, May 31, 2019                    Reception
     cludes  works by artists such  as Jackson   6 pm:  Optional Wine and Food Tasting at   6:45 pm   Awards Celebration
     Pollock, Pablo Picasso, and Andy Warhol.   the venerable Fort Worth Club               Dinner
     Located in the Cultural District.     In 1926, The Fort Worth Club erected a   Wednesday, June 5, 2019
                                           grand,  12-story  high-rise  at  Throckmor-  Individual departures
     The National Cowgirl Museum and Hall   ton and Seventh streets, featuring apart-
     of  Fame -- honors and documents the   ment suites for prominent members. Club   MEETING  REGISTRATION  opens  on  January
     lives of  women of  the American West.   President  Amon  G.  Carter  hosted  many   1, 2019. Complete details including optional
                                                                                   tours and the CME schedule are available in
     Outstanding photography collection. Lo-  prestigious  guests  at  the  new  building   the Flying Physician magazine mailed in late
     cated in the Cultural District.       in his personal quarters, including Pres-  December  to  members.  Information  is  also
                                                                                   available on the FPA website,

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