Page 35 - Flying Physician Magazine Issue 1-2018
P. 35
at the Hangar Hotel. Room availability is
good but will be very limited as the meet-
ing dates approach.
Registration for the February 6 Fly-in
Tours and for the Winter Board Meeting
opens on October 1. Information will be
detailed in the Online Member Bulletin as
well as the FPA website,
SHOP (Separate registration)
Chapter and national leaders along with
granite, custom carpet and tile, and RFS and interested members commence
unique furnishings, all with a level of de- a special workshop on Saturday afternoon
tail beyond comparison. that focuses on leadership development
The Hangar Hotel is a stylish adult in CME planning and programming. The
environment featuring airplane memora- workshop is led by the chair of the CME
bilia, model planes, USO history and the Committee, Dr. Richard Sloan. This special
romance of the 1940’s. Relax amidst the workshop begins with a working lunch
aviation-themed backdrop and experi- and an interactive session with the partic-
ence the Hangar Hotel’s service and atten- ipants about the changing environment of
tion to detail, steeped in the excitement continuing medical education.
of a bygone era.
THE SCHEDULE Invited Guest Speaker: GERALD D.
Wednesday, 2/6/19 (“GERRY”) GRIFFIN
Fly-in Tour Arrivals Gerry Griffin is
Officer’s Club – early evening meet/greet the former Director of
The Hangar Hotel was uniquely de- Optional Dutch-treat Dinner the NASA Lyndon B.
Johnson Space Center
signed with an exterior appearance of a in Houston. In prior
WWII hangar of the romantic 1940’s. This Thursday, 2/7/19 positions at NASA he
exterior is an understatement of what Texas Wineries Tasting Visit served as the Deputy
will be experienced under the beautiful (Lunch & transportation included) Director of the John F.
curved metal roof and bright white siding. Kennedy Space Cen-
Friday, 2/8/19 ter in Florida and the
Group tour/Admiral Nimitz Museum Hugh F. Dryden (now Neil A. Armstrong) Flight
National Museum of the Pacific War Research Center in California. At NASA Head-
(Lunch and transportation included) quarters in Washington DC Gerry also held the
posts of Assistant Administrator for Legislative
Early Evening Welcome Reception Affairs, Associate Administrator for External
FPA Winter Board Meeting Relations, and Deputy Associate Administrator
for Space Flight (Operations).
Gerry joined NASA as a flight controller in
Unlike “chain hotels” that are forced Saturday, 2/9/19 Mission Control, specializing in guidance, nav-
to conform to budget standards, the Han- Morning Board of Directors Meeting igation and control systems for Project Gemini
gar Hotel has gone beyond conventional and the early unmanned missions of the Apol-
design criteria by combining fine woods, Afternoon CME Leadership Workshop lo Program. Before the first manned Apollo
(Lunch included) mission, Apollo 7, he was selected to be a
flight director and served in that role for all of
Evening group Dutch-Treat Dinner the Apollo Program manned missions, includ-
ing all nine manned missions to the moon, six
Sunday, 2/10/19 of which included lunar landings. Gerry was
Individual departures at leisure the Lead Flight Director for Apollo 12, Apollo
15 and Apollo 17. His “Gold” team conducted
half of the lunar landings made during Apollo:
HOTEL RESERVATIONS AND MEETING Apollo’s 14, 16, & 17. Gerry’s team was sched-
REGISTRATION uled to conduct the landing of Apollo 13, but
Call early to reserve your guest room
Continued on next page 1
The Flying Physician vol. 59 - Issue 2 2016 33
The Flying Physician vol. 61 - Issue 1 2018 35