Page 31 - Flying Physician Magazine Issue 1-2018
P. 31

An  independently  family-owned
     Inn  offering  quality  accommodations  at
     affordable  prices  in  the  town  of  St  Mi-
     chaels,  Maryland,  The  Inn  offers  guests
     a comfortable, quaint experience unlike
     any other in the area. The Inn has fami-
 september 20-23, 2018  ly-friendly accommodations with well-ap-
     pointed  spacious,  comfortable  rooms.
 saint Michaels, Maryland  The guest rooms have been recently up-
     dated, and each room is equipped with
     flat screen TVs, refrigerators, and micro-
     waves. A complimentary shuttle service
     to and from town is available for guests.
        Amenities:    smoke-free;  2  miles
     southeast  of  downtown  St  Michaels;
     Free hot breakfast buffet; Free Internet
     access; Free parking; Pet-friendly, allows
     pets  up  to  80  pounds.  St.  Michaels  Inn
     is  located  minutes  from  exciting  attrac-
     tions, from boating on the Bay to shop-
     ping in historic downtown.

     Thursday, September 20
     5:45 pm Welcome  Reception  at  St.  Mi-  THINGS TO DO NEARBY               Mark your calendars for September 20-
     chael’s Inn provided by Harrison’s Restau-  Hunting and Fishing             23 and plan to relax with fellow pilot-phy-
     rant                                  Chesapeake Bay Fly Fishing - .7 Miles  sicians  and  families  in  Saint Michaels,
                                           Maryland  is  world  renowned for its  ex-  Maryland.
     Friday, September 21                  cellence in fishing and hunting. Excursion
     Breakfast included in room rate       guides  and  gear  outfitters  are  located   2018 Tri-Chapters Registration:  The FPA/
     8:00 am – 12:15 pm   CME Session I    near St. Michaels Inn, so you’ll have ev-  FDA attending single member registration
     RFS Tour of “The Elf”, oldest racing yacht   erything  you  need  for  an  unforgettable   with  no  accompanying  guest  or  family
     in USA                                sporting experience, whether it’s on wa-  member  is  $260.00.  FPA/FDA  attending
     Friday afternoon free for lunch, exploring   ter or land. You can also hone your skills   couple  (member  with  guest  or  spouse)
                                                                                   is  $460.00,  and  these  registration  fees
     St. Michael’s, shopping               on one of several shooting ranges.      include  the  Welcome  Reception/Dinner
                                           St. Michaels Museum - 1.4 Miles         on  Thursday  evening;  Friday  and  Satur-
     4:00 pm – Cocktail party (cash bar) and   When  it  comes  to  getting  to  know  St.   day CME Sessions with coffee breaks; the
     cruise with light snacks              Michaels,  the  perfect  place  to  start  is   Friday AM RFS Tour of “The Elf” with the
     (The  “don’t  miss  it”  Maritime  Museum   the St.  Michaels  Museum  at St.  Mary’s   crew; Friday afternoon late afternoon cash
     is  located  next  to  the  cruise  departure   Square. Learn about the history and cul-  cocktail cruise; and Saturday evening hos-
                                                                                   pitality and dinner with the featured speak-
     dock.)                                ture of the beautiful town on the Green.   er, Captain of “The Elf”, Richard Carrion.
                                           Then stroll through charming downtown,
     Saturday, September 22                where you’ll find shops, restaurants and   Registration increased $75 after August
     Breakfast included in room rate       other attractions.                         20. Visit to register
     8:00 am – 12:15 pm   CME Session II   Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum                       today.
                                           - 1.9 Miles                             2018  Tri-Chapters  Cancellation:  Registra-
     Afternoon free for shopping, visiting the   Located on 18 acres of St. Michaels wa-  tion  cancellation  is  made  by  calling  the
     local micro-distillery and winery     terfront, this extraordinary floating fleet   FPA Headquarters office, 936.588.6505, or
                                           museum  features  interactive  exhibits   by  email  to  The
     6:00 pm Hospitality and dinner at Harri-  and  demonstrations  on  the  Miles  Riv-  cancellation  administration  fee  through
     son’s Restaurant                      er, including  boat rides, and  celebrates   August 20 is $25 per person. From August
                                                                                   21 through September 18, cancellation fee
                                           Chesapeake Bay culture and history. Visit   is $50 per person.  No registration fees will
     Sunday, September 23                  Hooper Strait Lighthouse, see a working   be refunded after September 18, 2018.
     Breakfast included in room rate       boatyard, and visit Waterman’s Wharf.
     Individual departures – travel safely!  Waterfront Park - 1.4 Miles
                                           Muskrat Park - 1.6 Miles
                                           St. Michaels Winery - 1.2 Miles

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