Page 34 - Flying Physician Magazine Issue 1-2018
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reopened after an $8 million renovation.
     2019 Winter Board Meeting                                                      In addition to the excellent museums
     February 8-9, 2019                                (all welcome)             in Fredericksburg, there are Award-win-
     Optional Fly-in activities begin February 6                                 ning wineries, vineyards, and winemak-
                                                                                 ers, exceptional wine and picnic markets,
     The Hangar Hotel                                                            handcrafted beer and spirits, olive farms,

     Fredericksburg, Texas                                                       epicurean  cafes,  Hill  Country  bakeries,
                                                                                 farmer’s  markets,  wine  tasting  rooms,
                                                                                 chef-owned restaurants, gourmet choc-
                                                                                 olates, artisan cheese, live music venues
        Fredericksburg, Texas, was recently                                      and miles and miles of TEXAS! There’s so
     named the “2018 Best Little City in Texas”                                  much to do and see in historic Fredericks-
     by  Southern  Living  Magazine.  It’s  a  city                              burg, Texas!
     (pop. 10,500) in central Texas, known for                                       COME EARLY FOR THE REAL FUN
     its  German  heritage,  wineries,  and  out-                                   Fredericksburg is the hub of an out-
     standing museums.                                                           standing area of Texas wine country. Ar-
        The  city’s  German  heritage  is  on                                    rive early on Wednesday afternoon, Feb-
     display  at  the  Pioneer  Museum,  which                                   ruary 6, and enjoy the special ambiance
     features  settlers’  homesteads  and  arti-                                 of  the  hotel.  Join  fellow  physician-pilots
     facts. In the nearby town square, Markt-                                    and  members  on  Thursday,  February  7,
     platz, the Vereins Kirche is a replica of a                                 for a day-long guided tour for tastings at
     19th-century  German  church  that  once                                    selected wineries, lunch included.  On Fri-
     stood in the city. Tucked away amidst the                                   day, February 8, the special fly-in tour con-
     quaint German community is one of the                                       tinues with the National Museum of the
     most bustling wine industries in the coun-                                  Pacific Theater that includes the Admiral
     try. With over 45 vineyards and wineries                                    Nimitz Museum.
     in Fredericksburg and the surrounding Hill
     Country, it’s becoming the new hotbed for                                     GETTING THERE AND STAYING THERE
                                                                                    You’ll  be  landing  at  the  Gillespie
                                                                                 Co.  Airport  (T82).  The  airport’s  runway
                                                                                 is 5,000 feet, and there are 35 tie-down
                                                                                 spaces  located  directly  in  front  of  the
                                                                                 Hangar Hotel with an additional 18 at the
                                                                                 north end of the runway.
                                                                                    For more information contact the air-
                                                                                 port directly at 830.990.5764.
                                                                                    Rental cars, fueling, etc. are handled
        The  National  Museum  of  the  Pacif-                                   through  the  Fredericksburg  FBO  (www.
     ic War is located in Fredericksburg, the                           Contact them at
     boyhood home of Fleet Admiral Chester                                       830.997.3313.
     W. Nimitz. Formerly the Nimitz Museum,
     the complex is now the only museum in   years  the  Museum  was  upgraded  and
     the  Continental  United  States  centered   enlarged,  and  the  campus  grew  to  ac-
     on  World  War  Two’s  Pacific  campaign.   commodate the Memorial Courtyard,
     Since  1968,  the  Museum  has  expanded   the Plaza of Presidents and the Japanese
     to occupy a six-acre campus and gained   Garden of Peace. The expanded George
     a  reputation  as  one  of  the  premier  mil-  H. W. Bush Gallery opened in 2009. The   The Hangar Hotel
     itary  museums  in  the  nation.  Over  the   Gallery’s  state-of-the-art  33,000  square   155 Airport Road,
                                           foot exhibition features 40 media instal-   Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
                                           lations, approximately 900 artifacts in 97   Room rates: $129 ($145.77 with taxes)
                                           climate-controlled  cases,  15  macro-arti-  February 6-7.
                                           facts, and hundreds of photographs. Two   $169 ($190.99 with taxes) February 8-9.
                                           blocks  east  of  the  main  campus  is  the   Telephone:  830.997.9990
                                           Pacific Combat Zone, which was recently   Group ID: Flying Physicians (special rates)

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     32   The Flying Physician vol. 59 - Issue 2 2016
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