Page 30 - Flying Physician Magazine Issue 1-2018
P. 30

FPA NortheAst, GreAt LAkes ANd dixie ChAPters FALL

                                     “tri-ChAPter” MeetiNG

                                                                            september 20-23, 2018
                                                                          saint Michaels, Maryland

                                                                                  “Elegant and earthy, St. Michaels
       Contact:  John Mulvey, MD                Cindy Mulvey
                410-996-8990 (daytime)          443-350-2898 (cell)               knows how to party like a gentleman
                443-350-2899 (cell)             Email:         and a sailor—all at the same time.”
                                                                                  Southern Living

        St. Michaels is a town on Maryland’s   St. Michaels is centrally located between   410.475.1333
     Eastern Shore that’s known for being a   Ocean City and Washington, DC, and just
     quaint waterfront village. The  historic   12 miles from Tilghman Island.   Hotel: St Michaels Inn and
     town has good seafood restaurants, an-                                      Conference Center
     tique shops, historic buildings and galler-  GETTING THERE AND STAYING THERE  Address: 1228 S Talbot Street,
     ies that feature local artists.       Airport: KESN Easton Newman Regional  St Michaels MD 21663
        Named one of the Top Ten Best Small   Phone: 1-800-451-5693              WEBSITE:
     Coastal  Towns  by USA Today, St.  Mi-  Address: 29137 Newman Rd Unit 9.    Rate: Thurs $84.99;
     chaels, Maryland, is a charming place to   Easton MD 21601                  Fri/Sat nights $189.99/night
     spend some time. Learn the storied past   FBO: Trident Aviation             Phone: 410-745-3333
     with a visit to the St. Michaels Museum   Distance: 10 miles to St. Michaels Inn  Cut-off: August 20, 2018
     and  the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Mu-  Contact:  Lee Ann Sampson             FBO: 10 miles
     seum.  Walking tours are also  available.                                   Commercial: BWI, 70 miles

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