Page 32 - Flying Physician Magazine Issue 1-2018
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FPA WesterN ANd southWest ChAPters FALL MeetiNG
November 1-4, 2018
Las Vegas, Nevada
Contact: J. Randall “Randy” Edwards, MD
“Everything and anything you
want to do, you can do in Las
Vegas.” – drew Carey
There is no place in the world like the Gordon Ramsay Steak and Martorano’s. hall) augment the Parisian flavor. All are
Las Vegas Strip, the 3 ½-mile-long stretch Attractions at this dazzling Las Vegas Strip noteworthy shutterbug opportunities.
of Las Vegas Boulevard packed with more hotel include an opulent health and beau- Dining temptations include the Eiffel
than 20 of the world’s largest casino-re- ty spa (surcharges), a roof-top outdoor Tower Restaurant, with panoramic views;
sorts. Many of the hotels, like the Luxor’s pool and an indoor shopping/dining mall a French-inspired buffet; a sidewalk café;
30-story, pyramid-shaped main building, styled like a 1920s Parisian street scene, and a bistro with alfresco seating.
are architectural wonders in their own with shops and restaurants located in
right. At street level, one-of-a-kind spec- charming storefronts. GETTING THERE:
tacles, like the exploding volcano in front Paris Las Vegas Resort and Casino con- Fly your aircraft into KVGT (North Las
of the Mirage and the dancing fountains nects to the Art-Deco Bally’s via a short Vegas Airport). Approximately 2 weeks
in front of the Bellagio, compete to attract interior passage that virtually merges the prior to the meeting, information on ar-
the attention of passers-by. Tourists from two hotels. Bally’s features rhinestone-be- rival and departure, expected service and
all corners of the globe come here for jeweled dancers and classic lounge acts. transportation will be requested from all
games of chance, fine dining, or an enter- A guided elevator ride (surcharge) meeting registrants. Rental cars are avail-
tainment extravaganza. whisks guests to the top of the half-scale able through the FBO if needed.
LAS VEGAS and PARIS – combined. Eiffel Tower, rising 460 feet above the
A romantic favorite destination on the street. A two-thirds-scale Arc de Triomphe Commercial flights arrive at McCarran
Strip, Paris Las Vegas Resort and Casino is sets the tone at the hotel’s entrance. Par- International Airport (LAS). The airport
home to the Eiffel Tower Experience and tial replications of the Louvre, the Paris offers a wide range of transportation
a host of top Vegas restaurants, including Opera House, and the Hotel de Ville (city options to the Las Vegas Strip, including
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30 The Flying Physician vol. 59 - Issue 2 2016
24 The Flying Physician vol. 59 - Issue 2 2016