Page 36 - Flying Physician Magazine Issue 1-2018
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before joining NASA.                  Schreiner University in Kerrville, Texas; and a
     when the landing was canceled as a result of   After taking early retirement from NASA   member of the Advisory Board of the Texas
     an oxygen tank explosion his Gold team was   Gerry was President and CEO of the Greater   A&M  Engineering  Experiment  Station,  Col-
     one of four teams who played key roles in the   Houston  Chamber  of  Commerce,  a  post  he   lege Station, Texas.  He is a former member
     safe return of the astronauts.        held until he joined Korn/Ferry Internation-  of  the  Texas  Higher  Education  Coordinating
        Gerry earned a Bachelor of Science de-  al, a worldwide executive search firm, as the   Board,  a  former  trustee  of  the  Universities
     gree in Aeronautical Engineering from Texas   Managing Director of the firm’s Houston of-  Space Research Association, and a Past Chair
     A&M  University  (TAMU)  and  was  commis-  fice.                           of the TAMU 12th Man Foundation.
     sioned as an officer in the United States Air   Today Gerry is a technical and manage-  Gerry received numerous awards during
     Force.  He  served  four  years  on  active  duty,   ment consultant for a broad range of clients.    his years with NASA including the Presidential
     first in flight training, then flying as a weap-  He remains a Senior Consultant for Korn/Fer-  Medal of Freedom awarded to the Apollo 13
     on systems officer in jet fighter-interceptors.   ry  International  where  he  conducts  search   Mission  Operations  Team,  the  NASA  Distin-
     Gerry  left  active  duty  and  joined  the  space   assignments for very senior level executives   guished Service Medal, the NASA Outstand-
     program as a systems engineer/flight control-  primarily in the firm’s global aerospace and   ing Leadership Medal, two NASA Exceptional
     ler at the USAF Satellite Test Center in Sunny-  defense practice.  Gerry was a founding direc-  Service  Medals,  the  Meritorious  Executive
     vale, California. In the private sector, he also   tor of Comerica’s Bank of the Hills, Kerrville,   Rank  Award,  and  the  Distinguished  Execu-
     held senior engineering positions with Doug-  Texas; a member of the Advisory Board of Al-  tive Rank Award.  He also is the recipient of
     las Aircraft and General Dynamics/Fort Worth   pha Space LLC in Houston, Texas; a trustee of   the TAMU Distinguished Alumnus Award, the
                                                                                 TAMU Corps of Cadets Hall of Honor Award,
                                                                                 the  TAMU  College  of Engineering Alumni
                                                                                 Honor  Award,  the  TAMU  Aerospace  Engi-
                                                                                 neering  Department  Distinguished  Alumnus
                                                                                 Award, the honorary degree of Doctor of Hu-
                                                                                 mane Letters from the University of Houston
                                                                                 Clear Lake, and the Tau Beta Pi Eminent Engi-
                                                                                 neer Award. Gerry is a Fellow of the American
                                                                                 Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and
                                                                                 the American Astronautical Society.

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