Page 24 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 24
An Insirational Interview with Lois Gibson
Officer Deason once in the head and then in the back. As Deason lay unconscious
on the ground, the shooter got back in his vehicle and ran over Officer Deason,
dragging him down the street 70 feet. The officer told me he never saw the shooters
face. I have techniques for that situation and did a drawing. Once the image I
did was released a shoplifter was recognized when he was caught trying to lift a
chainsaw from a Sears
Two men who worked at the jail thought the shop lifter looked like my sketch.
They held a video lineup in Officer Deason’s hospital room and he picked him out.
A parking lot search of the Sears revealed a vehicle with pieces of Paul’s skin and
uniform hanging from the undercarriage. Later after the trial Deason told me he
does not remember doing the drawing with me! I give a blow by blow of this sketch
in my textbook.
All of the Sketch Work Above is created by Lois Gibson
Thank you! Lois Gibson for sharing your extensive knowledge and expertise as a Forensic Artist and for
being such a caring individual who advocates for those who have been wronged and seek justice. We at
Elite Investigative Journal salute you!