Page 29 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 29
Can the Minister’s “The War on 2 Fronts” speech at 10/10 Rally push his supporters tthrough 2016 and Beyond?
‘There’s too much injustice, too much inequality, too much mass incarceration ...
too (many) situations in our community that need addressing, and that’s why we’re
here today.’”
The powerful entities most concerned about Minister Farrakhan’s event were more
corporate than government, i.e. the MSM. That media block-out was planned long
ago. They knew and discussed Farrakhan’s plans probably before he even an-
nounced it; you’ll notice at least two OJ documentary series came on around the
same time. Both featuring some unreleased footage of OJ testimony not admitted in
court. How do you hold on to that for 20 years and not play it unless you know the
2 events-OJ’s acquittal followed by the Million Man March a few days later-were
close together? Now we’re at the beginning of February, Black History Month, and
we have a mini-series on OJ and the Nicole and Ron Goldman murders and the
Trial of the Century starring Cuba Gooding Jr., beginning now.
Farrakhan offered some direct comparisons on why pregnant black women
shouldn’t consider abortion:
“Now it is your body and you can do with it as you please. But It would be so tragic
if the next Sitting Bull was aborted, it would be tragic if the next Malcolm X, or
Martin Luther King or the next Moses or Abraham or Jesus was flushed away. You
don’t know who your child is going to be, if you were wise, your child could be the
answer to your prayers… My mother tried 3 times to abort my life, because the
circumstances under which she was pregnant were uncomfortable for her.”
I have no doubt that those figures were “flushed away” at the casual whims of many
women of color especially since Roe v. Wade, you can bet some of those aborted
males were just whom we needed the most in these times. Another Nat Turner,
Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Toussaint L’Ouverture, Gabriel Prosser, Denmark
Vesey, Queen Nanny, Rosa Parks, Angela Davis, or Joan Little, would be perfect
right about now.
In all honesty however, the CIA, FBI, and the IRS have little-to-no concern of the
Minister’s “boldness.” Many black youth’s today don’t know he is free from those
agencies, by those agencies, due to his cooperation with them in eliminating the
icon he speaks fondly of today; Malcolm X. No, Mr. Farrakhan didn’t pull the trig-
ger or even draw up the plan.