Page 32 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 32

Elite Investigative Journal
        Federal Cybersecurity Data Breach and Government Security Compromise at DOE and NSA, pg 32-35
        ©2014-2016  SYT Global, Inc.

        Federal Cybersecurity Data Breach and
        Government Security Compromises at

        DOE and NSA  By Dave Sumner

        Photo Courtesy of
        Back in October I received a troubling                  Feds have screwed up, but they want to
        letter. I knew it was trouble when my ex- break it to you gently so that it doesn’t

        wife called and said I had received a letter  sound as bad as it really is. I warily read
        at her address (where I used to live) that              how “On August 14, 2013, the U.S.

        looked “official.” Fortunately, we are on               Department of Energy (DOE) issued
        good terms and since it has been almost                 a DOECAST to employees regarding
        eight years we have an understanding that  a recent cyber incident that occurred

        all my junk mail goes into her recycling                at the end of July and resulted in the
        bin. I asked her who the “official” looking  unauthorized disclosure of Personally

        letter was from and she said the “United                Identifiable Information (PII).” I knew
        States Department of Energy,” or DOE.                   that a “DOECAST” was an agency-
        I worked for DOE for fifteen years until                wide message, but also knew that you

        2006. My mind immediately jumped to                     stop receiving those when you no longer
        the worst case scenarios, like maybe they  work there. So, why were they telling

        had paid me too much for my unused                      me this, and why now? I thought there
        vacation and wanted it back. In the end,                had been some sort of mix-up and
        that scenario would have been better.                   they had confused me with a current

                                                                employee. At least I hoped so, because
        The letter started with what I immediately              I could read between the lines of their
        recognized as “bureaucratic cover.”                     bureaucratic cover that they were really
        Bureaucratic cover is when the                          saying “hey, we lost some people’s

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