Page 34 - Aug Sept 2016
P. 34
Federal Cybersecurity Data Breach and Government Security Compromise at DOE and NSA
when the DOE Inspector General (IG) to provide as an employee, and I am
issued a report on the data breach ( shocked that they kept the information so long when they did not have a need to do
report-ig-0900 ). The report confirmed so. I can’t imagine how mad I would be if
that the incident was worse than had I had dependents and had listed little Sally
been publicly known. It involved or Johnny’s personal data on insurance
not only current employees, but also or other forms, and now that data was
former employees like me, their lost forever to criminals in cyber space. I
dependents, and DOE contractors. The would be tremendously furious, to say the
IG confirmed at least 104,000 people least.
had personal information stolen, and
also that “alarmingly” (as the IG put As a recognized subject matter expert
it), as many as 150,000 social security on security and risk management, I can
numbers were possibly compromised. tell you that this type of compromise
The IG’s report stated that “Breached has the potential for serious national
information also exceeded just the consequences. The type of data stolen
names, dates of birth and Social provides numerous avenues to manipulate,
Security numbers initially reported pressure, coerce, or impersonate folks
by the Department. In particular, the from one of our most sensitive Federal
forensic data we analyzed also revealed agencies. I am not saying that it is better
that select bank account numbers, or worse than what Mr. Snowden released,
places of birth, education, security just that I would rather he give away
questions and answers, and disabilities my mobile phone records any day (from
were also included in the loss of where the NSA nabbed me discussing
information.” Oh, and there was also with my wife how much to spend on the
security badge information and position office holiday gift swap!) than have DOE
sensitivity information. My October lose my security access and position
letter from DOE didn’t tell me that! information along with all of my personal
identifying information. Everyone
The public has been quite outraged impacted needs to be kept thoroughly
with Mr. Snowden’s revelations about aware of developments so that they can
how that the National Security Agency watch out for suspicious activities or
(NSA) has spied on their phone calls. attempts at manipulation. It is regrettable
Not that DOE spied on me, but they that the free credit monitoring provided
were trusted not to lose sensitive by DOE must be claimed by the end of
personal data that I was required December 2013 or it is forfeited.